Thanks Kelly. Some vets don't believe interferon works, but so far it seems to be helping Isabella during the 7 days "on". I have posted this earlier but I had 2 FELV+ cats who lived to 22 and 16 years. Squeaky (22) was never treated and was asymptomatic until his final weeks (oral cancer killed him). We treated whatever illnesses arose with Stripes, with antibiotics and Vitamin B injections. I don't know if anyone knew about all these other treatments then. Some vets would have recommended EU them. They were very large boys. Squeak was healthy all the time and Stripes was heathly most of the time.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kelly L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Another vet's research re various treatments

At 07:36 PM 7/7/2007, you wrote:

I am using immuno regulin and Alferon, ( natural
interferon)  I am not using the Acemamman.
My felv kitty has been asymptomatic and these are
basically prophylactic treatments, I do know the
pred ( and I would probably use the
prednisolone)  doe help the rbs destruction,
depending upon the cause. I used the I.R per
protocol initially IV  and am now doing .5cc IM q
month like they are doing for the FELV cats in the FELV area at Best Friends.
Best of Luck

Offered as information
This was in response to my inquiry about treating with immunoreglin

>>>Re: immunoreglin ~ most of the FeLV eexperts
feel that it has not been shown to have any positive benefit for cats with FeLV. Examples:

"My hospital was involved in a nationwide testing of Immunoregulin. The clinical trial was cancelled midway thru the trial because their own clinical staff said things were not looking positive. Immunoregulin is IV, and we used it at 0.5cc once a week. You have to shake the bottle really well to mix thoroughly. There isn't really any downside to it, but it will not help any more than interferon or staph lysate. Your patient needs steroids to help prevent the RBC destruction."

"In the interim between posting my question and reading your reply, our little cat became acutely febrile (106.3) and was hospitalized overnight on fluids, antibiotics and Interferon. She kicked her fever within 24 hours, and is now home on daily cefadrops with Interferon. We are also going to try Immunoreglin and Acemannan with this little peanut...Do you have any experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan?"

>>> Do you have any experience with
Immunoreglin or Acemannan? <<< "Neither have been shown to have any demonstrable benefit in controlled studies."

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