Acemannan is manufactured by Veterinary Products Laboratories

Using it for FeVL+ is an off label use of the drug.  It is a series of
weekly shots administered directly into the stomach.  I was terrified of
Mama Kitty going through that but she did very well.  We also gave her
steroids and supplements...but once she started the Acemannan, we noticed a
difference quickly.

It's not cheap, by the way...Seems like I paid close to $400 for a five week

I read a number of articles about it and discussed it with my vet.  He
researched it too and ordered some through a distributor.  (The VPL website
lists distributors by state too).

All I know is that it changed my vet's mind about recommended Euthanasia for
FeVL+.  He says he would use it again.  It was amazing she made it through
that crash.  It's not a cure all - do all...but it made a lot of difference
that time.

Mama Kitty finally came to a point where nothing could help her and she went
down rapidly...but there is nothing I would trade for that extra year we
got.  She was even playing with her toys again.

On 7/8/07, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How did you get the Acemannan?

in Arkansas

 On Jul 8, 2007, at 10:47 AM, elizabeth trent wrote:

 I'm pretty sure that Acemannan bought Mama Kitty an extra year with a
good quality of life.  It helped her appetite too.


On 7/7/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Offered as information
> This was in response to my inquiry about treating with immunoreglin
> >>>Re: immunoreglin ~ most of the FeLV eexperts feel that it has not
> been shown to have any positive benefit for cats with FeLV.  Examples:
> "My hospital was involved in a nationwide testing of Immunoregulin. The
> clinical trial was cancelled midway thru the trial because their own
> clinical staff said things were not looking positive. Immunoregulin is IV,
> and we used it at 0.5cc once a week. You have to shake the bottle really
> well to mix thoroughly. There isn't really any downside to it, but it will
> not help any more than interferon or staph lysate. Your patient needs
> steroids to help prevent the RBC destruction."
> --------------------
> "In the interim between posting my question and reading your reply, our
> little cat became acutely febrile (106.3) and was hospitalized overnight
> on fluids, antibiotics and Interferon. She kicked her fever within 24 hours,
> and is now home on daily cefadrops with Interferon. We are also going to try
> Immunoreglin and Acemannan with this little peanut...Do you have any
> experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan?"
> >>> Do you have any experience with Immunoreglin or Acemannan? <<<
> "Neither have been shown to have any demonstrable benefit in controlled
> studies."

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