Wendy, COOL! I bet LuLu is adorable! We should all
post kitty pictures one of these days. 
 As for polydactyls, I think those extra toes makes
them feel a bit superior...I know with my Feeto he has
a regal attitude and is very comfortable with himself.
He acts like a little king around other cats and even
dogs..., calm and composed all the the time and in
complete control. I had only see Feeto lose it once
and that was a couple days after I brought him home.
My cat Bruno was hissing at him. Feeto went after him.
I saw fur fly, not Feeto's.Feeto walked away, had made
his point, but then, my dog tried to get in the middle
to protect Bruno. Feeto got irritated and leaped on my
dog's back. Kind of an after thought, like do not mess
with me, when I'm taking care of business. Feeto
wrapped his front paws around my dog's neck... Stuck
12-claws into my poor dog. I'd never seen anything
like it. It was over before it began...My dog had huge
respect for Feeto after that, as well as all the other
kitties. Now Feeto is very bonded with Bruno and my
dog Hondo, my Great Dane /Shepherd mix, has passed
away...Because Hondo is gone, I opened up my home to
two more poly kittens, siblings...too round my family
I was outside, lying on my lawn tonight with three of
my adult cats...They all have such different little
faces, as well as personalities. They are all just so
beautiful. I was thinking tonight, if I could draw or
paint, how lovely  a picture it would make, the three
of them lounging side by side on the grass. (My cats
are indoor ,but allowed outside with supervision...)
 Every healthy, well cared for cat, is beautiful. It
is easy to see how one could not resist getting too
many cats...I will never have more or less than
6-cats. I can care well for six,but if I had any more,
I would not be able to do them justice. When Caroline
was telling us how beautiful Monkee was, I knew
exactly how she felt when she would look at him...
Good night,
--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Glenda, my Siamese mix LuLu is polydactyl.  She has
> an extra toe on all four paws.  It's really cute.
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change the world - indeed it
> is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade
> ~~~
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:43:33 PM
> Subject: RE: OT: Pet Burial Ceremony- for Monkee
> Caroline, I have six cats. I love them all very
> much,
> but I love one the most. I think he is the most
> beautiful, most absolutely cool cat in the whole
> world
> .Everything he does is simply elegant. His name is
> Feeto. He is a DSH, tabby, polydactyl. His
> toes are all perfect! It is because of him I have
> this
> poly foot fetish now. 
> I have felt so awful that I never knew him as a
> kitten.I was told he was homeless and wandered the
> streets...I simply could not understand why such a
> fantastic cat was not scooped up by the first human
> who ever layed eyes on him... He was a young adult
> when I adopted him. He had been sitting at the local
> Humane Society for almost two months before I found
> him! I simply could not believe I was so lucky as to
> have been the one who was to bring him home. He , to
> me, is a treasure. He has been with me for only
> 18-months .  If anything were ever to happen to him,
> my world would collapse. I do not think I would be
> able to get out of bed for a week. I have never had
> an
> animal before or since that I have been so obsessed
> with. I am sure I could never find his equal. I
> would
> not even think of it,  but I would do something kind
> in honor of him and I would try to keep busy...
> The diamond idea was nice...Glenda 
> --- Caroline Kaufmann
> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> Thank you Glenda and Wendy for your insight.  We are
> taking our time to plan something and won't do
> anything until Aug., so I still have time to think
> about it.  It's funny though because I just found
> the
> pet loss website today on my own and it was really
> helpful.  I liked the poems and I am really
> interested
> in the jewelry memorial websight links for cremains
> and I plan to get something like that.  I think I
> could move on better if I really feel like I always
> have a part of Monkee with me.
> Thanks,
> Caroline 
> ---------------------------------
> From:  wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject:  OT: Pet Burial Ceremony- for Monkee
> Date:  Tue, 24 Jul 2007 18:26:15 -0700 (PDT)
> >P.S. I am not sure if sent you the link to this pet
> loss site:
> >
> >http://www.petloss.com/
> >
> >If I didn't, I apologize.  It's a great site to
> navigate around and see all the things they have to
> offer.  I bet you would find some things there to
> help.  Please let us know how it goes if you feel
> like
> it.
> >
> >Best of luck,
> >:)
> >Wendy
> >
> >"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change the world - indeed it
> is
> the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade
> ~~~
> >
> >
> >
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> Business gives you all the tools to get online.
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