I talked to the Vet today and he says it could be bacterial enteritis so he had 
prescribed a medicine that I am picking up today to treat Yoda with.  The vet 
says we will try that and if that doesn't clear up the diarrhea, Yoda will go 
in for further testing, smears, etc.  So, I'm going to give it a try.  Yoda is 
not in distress and he's still eating and playing fine-- seems to be loving 
life-- so as long as he feels good, I am going to stick with this game plan.  
It's just a little frustrating.  I like to have all completely healthy kitties 
so I can brag!  I'm just kidding...kind of.  
I took pictures of them this weekend, so once we get them loaded on the 
computer, I would like to share them.  Each of the three kittens I have all 
have completely unique, different faces...it's beautiful and interesting to 
think about how they have such unique faces...which also translates into unique 
personalities.  It's kind of scary.   

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Kitten update Take 2Date: Mon, 
1 Oct 2007 11:32:26 -0500

This sounds so much like the problems Kitty had with food allergies and 
pancreas problems.  I really think you need to get her checked for those items. 
 You can do an elimination diet fairly easily.  If the pancreas is causing 
problems you want to know it now.
Take care.
                                                 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures                                                 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who                  
                                will deal likewise with their fellow man.       
                                                           St. Francis

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Caroline Kaufmann 
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: Kitten update Take 2
The diarrhea contiunes but it's now mostly affecting Yoda.  The other two will 
have normal poos, and then sometimes soft, cow-pie poos, but they are not 
having the runny, watery, sometimes mucousy diarrhea Yoda is now having.  I'm 
just baffeled.  And upset for him.  I went to scoop him up yesterday and he 
tried to dodge me (he's wiley), so instead of getting scruff or the mid-section 
of his body, I got only his hind quarters and I grabbed on.  Well, the poor 
thing simulanteously let out a baby-bird/girly squeal and also passed gas at 
the same time (really loudly).  I thought some diarrhea may have shot out 
accidently (it hadn't) when I grabbed him because the passing gas noise was so 
loud.  I felt so bad- his tummy must have been bothering him.  So I immediately 
put him in his crate in his litter box and the poor thing immediately had 
really gassy, totally liquidy diarrhea.  I know, it's gross, I'm sorry!  I felt 
so bad for him.  He also had to get a "bath" yesterday morning because his feet 
were all pooy from a night in the crate- his litter box was a mess, he'd had 
two boughts of diarrhea/cow pies thru the night- I couldn't really tell if it 
was diarrhea because he'd spent a lot of time burying them, hence the dirty 
feet.  He was good for his bath tho!  He's getting Immodium AD and it seems to 
not be working at all!  But he's still status quo- eating like a piggy, 
drinking water, running around and playing fine.  I guess I will call the Vet 
and see what he has to say...I myself had been sick since Tuesday the 18th!!!  
I only took one day off work because I thought it was just allergies/change of 
season, etc., so I didn't go to the Dr. because I didn't want to be put on an 
antibiotic that would just destroy my stomach...I pushed myself too much last 
weekend and ended up with laryngitis.  I finally got my voice back last Wed. 
and thought all was well.  Well, Friday at work I felt intense muscle pain and 
my neck hurt, I felt like I would throw up-- it was horrible.  I finally just 
went home early and admitted to myself that I had a fever!  No other symptoms 
besides a fever and just feeling like I might die.  So I spent a miserable Fri. 
night freezing to death on my couch.  By Sat. my fever had broke, but I still 
felt horrible, so it was couch-time again.  I think I am all recovered now but 
my mom is so mad at me (for not going to the Dr.) and she says that the kitties 
and I are "all making each other sick!"-- but she's crazy!  -Caroline  

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 07:45:49 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Kitten update 
Take 2To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org

You're post made me LOL!  You're funny!
I am hoping you figure out soon what's going on with your guys, because I'm 
betting it's what's wrong with Ensie.
Keep us posted!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Friday, September 28, 2007 4:34:45 PMSubject: Kitten update 
Take 2

I got the results of Yoda's fecal back and it's totally negative- even the 
flotation.  Now I don't know what to do and I pretty much told the Doctor that 
("what do I do!?").  He doesn't seem to think it's from the antibiotic.  Yoda 
was the first started on it at Labor Day and he was on it 10 days, so he's been 
off it a long time.  I was also surprised that none of the kittens had diarrhea 
while actually on Amoxy (Monkee always got soft stools when on Clavamox).  
Anyway, he said it could be a virus of some kind, but it's definitely not 
bacterial or parasites.  He asked about their exposure- which is basically 
nill, so he was fine with that.  He said it could still be giardia because that 
doesn't show up in a fecal-- that they need the sample immediately because 
giardia is "like bubbles" and you can see them really clearly under a 
microscope if you get the sample immediately-- pretty much from butt to 
microscope (that's what he said- not me)-- but within a few seconds, they start 
to burst I guess and then you can't see them.  This is how he described it.  I 
told him the diarrhea smells HORRIBLE and he said "hmmmm..."  He wanted to know 
when it started and I guessed about Monday.  He said that is not too much time 
so he isn't worried yet.  He said to try giving them all Liquid Immodium AD- 
1/4 teaspoon and see if that helps.  If not, we will try some other things (I 
guess looking for giardia).   I'm going to give it this weekend I guess.  I 
have two thoughs: #1) it's a random virus that they could have picked up when 
we went to Sat. cat adoption day.  Although I kept all mine in a separate pen 
and they did not meet any of the condo cats at the store, they were in the same 
general area and if it's possible they could get an airborne stomach virus just 
by being in the same area, maybe that's it?  #2) it's giardia and the vet will 
need Yoda's actual butt to diagnosis it! I came home early from work and Yoda 
had yet another diarrhea in his box.  He was eating dry crunchies when I came 
in.  I immediately gave everyone their Immodium.  No sooner had I done that and 
Yoda had two more separate piles of even runnier, smellier diarrhea (and not to 
mention, he trashed his crate afterward-- he does it on purpose)!  Urgh.  He 
gets away with it because he's cuter than cute and the lil b*stard knows it!  I 
know I need to give the Immodium more of a chance...but still?!   If it 
continues this weekend, I will just drop Yoda off on Monday and say, "here's 
his butt...have at it; I'm sure he'll give you a 'sample' in all of like 2 
minutes!"   One of grey ones that are crated together threw up dry food this 
morning-- just a little bit of it and into their water bowl.  It happened while 
I was at work so I don't know who did it.  No one has ever thrown up since I've 
had them.  I don't know if it means anything tho-- it really looked like the 
cat just ate too fast without chewing because the crunchies were all pratically 
whole! Awwww kittens...they are so much trouble!  I guess I rested on my 
laurels with them after we beat the URIs so I probably deserve this!  Happily 
tho, I now got my "coop cups" in the mail so no more spilling our waters and 
trashing our crates and barfing in our waters!  I'm so excited!  I get as 
excited about my online pet-care deliveries as I used to get about my clothing 
purchases that I couldn't afford!  I guess that means I've matured?  Or maybe 
my priorities are just more admirable now!  I also got my "Just Born" in the 
mail and I'm starting them on that tonight! -Caroline Discover the new Windows 
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