They can also get permanent damage from ulcers ... did the vet do a corneal
stain to see if the eye was ulcerated?

On Jan 10, 2008 3:45 PM, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now I have seen permanent damage from untreated (or even treated URIs).
> Clarissa, a white Persian in our rescue, has one eye that is almost entirely
> white.
> On Jan 10, 2008 3:41 PM, Caroline Kaufmann < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >  Okay.  I know that no one can diagnosis- but just to have people
> > compare/contrast/confirm, that might be helpful.  His Holistic vet seems to
> > think it's scarring- permanent damage from untreated uri's- which I have
> > never seen in a cat before.  So if more experienced people that have seen
> > that and can say one way or the other, it "MIGHT* make me feel better (not
> > about him having permanent eye damage :( , but more so that, yeah, it
> > doesn't look like FIP)....?
> > ck
> >
> >
> >  ------------------------------
> > Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:35:29 -0600
> > To:
> >
> > Subject: Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up
> >
> > Caroline,
> >
> > I am not a vet but if it will make you feel any better I'll look at it.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Jan 10, 2008 12:30 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > The saga continues with my sick cat Brumley.  I don't know what to do
> > any more.  The conventional vet that saw him on Dec. 24 got the results back
> > from the Toxoplasmosis test and is was neg. (I can't remember if I reported
> > this info this site or not).  So when the Toxo test came back neg, the vet
> > totally reversed gears from the day before (when he said he didn't think it
> > was FIP b/c Brumley only test pos. for high globulin and high protein, but
> > not a corona virus, antibody, etc.).  So he completely went back on that and
> > said, basically, he thinks it's FIP b/c he has nothing else to go on and b/c
> > Brumley is showing 2 of the 3 indicators of it (but still no "wet"
> > indicators like the swollen belly).  I think it's the eye that is really
> > throwing him off and I can't for the love of god, get any vet to
> > explain/diagnose/tell me what to with that eye.  I have asked if I should be
> > putting anything in it and both the conventional vet and my holistic vet
> > just say "no."  So, I had a phone consult about Brumley with my holistic vet
> > and she reviewed the blood work and said she doesn't think it's FIP- that a
> > severely dehydrated cat will have high globulin and high protein in the
> > blood panel.  And the fact that is his neg. for corona- she just doesn't
> > think it's FIP.  She has of course treated FIP cats/kittens and had some
> > herself and she told me she has NEVER seen the "dry" form of FIP in a kitten
> > (Brum's 7 mths)-- only in older, adult cats does the dry form come out.  She
> > said she always sees it in kittens in the clear wet form with the swollen
> > belly and other signs of fluid retention and then they die quickly.  And
> > Brum's been lingering on like this for a while now
> >
> > So, I just went about feeding him and making him comfy- moving him into
> > the room with the other other guys (he'd already been exposed to them before
> > I had him); stopped the subcu fluids b/c I didn't think he needs them.  I
> > guess it's been two weeks since then and he just kind of hangs out-- eats-
> > he always eats good- no matter what.  But about last week he seemed to lose
> > some personality and he laid around a lot and stopped batting around toys.
> > By this past Sun., my mom and I were discussing that he had gone down, down
> > and we were worried.  I don't have a thermometer for cats, but I could tell
> > he had a fever and just felt crappy (altho he still eats and drinks water
> > when feeling bad!).  I gave him a fluid treatment- I thought his pink looked
> > really white and thought it couldn't hurt.  The fluid bump hung around
> > forever tho?  I got him in to see the holistic vet on Monday evening and my
> > mom took him.  *The Dr. kind of laughed off my mom's concerns that
> > Brumley was going to die and that his eye looked horrible.  She told my mom
> > she thinks he has something else going on besides the eye-- like some kind
> > of infection somewhere else in the body, but she doesn't know where.  *So
> > she wanted me to stop his Clavamox and try some other immune boosting
> > things.  Again, my mom asked about the eye and should we be putting anything
> > in it to treat it, and the Dr. was just like no.
> >
> > So of course, Brum was better just the next day (Tues.) and I could tell
> > the fever broke.  He was batting around a toy the very next morning.  Still
> > eating great.
> >
> > But then by Wed. night, he was just sleeping the whole time in a cubby
> > hole, seemed to have a fever again and not playing (still eating tho).  So I
> > thought, well maybe his holistic vet is right, he is working on fighting off
> > some infection and when it gets too hard for his body to fight it, he
> > succumbs a little bit and the fever comes back, etc.  So, this morning, it's
> > the same.  Lots of sleeping and fever still around.   *Even worse, his
> > eye looks worse.  I swear, it looks like the cavity or something is filled
> > with blood b.c the eye appears to be a diff't color than the other and
> > you can see that it looks like blood behind the eye.  So now, it looks
> > "bloodier" and as if the blood has settled down to the bottom of the eye
> > more- like it pooled there.  And now, there are even more cloudy/greyish
> > white spots on the surface of the eyeball.  *Ugh.  I'm worried.  But my
> > mom is worse-- she's a worry-wart prone to histrionics and having these two
> > sick/down cats (Brum and Possum) with her around, literally sucks my will to
> > live.  She just wants to keep running Brumley to vets b/c she thinks he
> > needs something put into the eyeball and then she asks me "how long can this
> > go on" (meaning how long do we give Brumley a chance to fight this off-
> > which I now recall is the same GD thing my stupid sister said to me about
> > Monkee after the blood transfusion...sigh).  And it's just killing me- the
> > stress.  She totally makes it worse, so keeping her at bay is a draining
> > task too.
> >
> > Plus, it's like, this isn't even my cat!  He technically belongs to the
> > no-kill group I vol for, yet I am the only one dealing with the stress of
> > his care and illness!!!!  It's only the other run-of-the-mill vols that call
> > me and ask about him.  But his original foster, and the lady who is I guess
> > "in charge" and the bane of my existence and she's also on the board (sigh)-
> > she doesn't even ask about him anymore!  She had a teleph. convo with my
> > holistic vet before I first talked to the vet about Brum where she actually
> > told the vet, "well you know, we're going to lose some of them" and now my
> > vet won't deal with her due to that comment (and rightfully so), b/c it's
> > like, you pulled these kittens out of Metro AC in June and they have
> > struggled ever since and Brumley's in the condition he's in, in part because
> > of lack of care and attention by this group and so now, we're just going to
> > "play the numbers" and let him linger on until death instead of getting the
> > necessary vet care for a cat that we agreed to take on the minute he was
> > pulled from Metro?!?  I could scream.
> >
> > I'm so frustrated.
> >
> > *I think I can take a picture of Brumley's eye tonight with my webcam
> > and email it, so if anyone is willing to take a look at it, let me know so I
> > can email it directly b/c this site won't take it if I try to send to all.
> > I would really just like to hear someone say "yeah, I've seen that before!"
> > when it comes to his eye- instead of these two vets who act like they have
> > never seen it before and don't address the eye care directly... *
> >
> > caroline
> >
> >  ------------------------------
> > Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 08:39:55 -0800
> > Subject: Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up
> > To:
> >
> >
> >  Caroline,
> >
> > Bless you for taking care of these babies.  You are truly going above
> > and beyond and it sounds like you've found your calling.  I hope you got
> > conclusive yet good news for the sick kitten on Friday.
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
> > "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
> > change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~
> > Margaret Meade ~~~
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > To:
> > Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:39:08 PM
> > Subject: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up
> >
> > Okay, the results are not all in, but I finally talked to the Vet about
> > the blood tests from the sick kitten I took in- which he suspect FIP in.
> > The cat was NEGATIVE for Felv (so that's the second time he's tested neg.-
> > first at approx. 2 mths old, now at 6 mths).  He NEGATIVE for FIV (which he
> > had not yet been tested for ever).  The vet also says that so far, it looks
> > like it's not FIP and he talked about how there is no conclusive test, etc.,
> > so for now, he has to go by the presence of antibodies- which he says are
> > usually higher if the cat has "dry" FIP and then even higher if it's "wet"
> > FIP.  He says the antibodies are just not high enough to for it to be FIP-
> > either the dry or wet form.  So he remains concerned tho that it's a an
> > infectious ( i.e., contagious) disease.  *What he is waiting on now is
> > the toxoplasmosis test b/c now he is suspecting that.*  He said the
> > results of that test will be in tomorrow.  He also said the blood is showing
> > high globulin levels and high white blood cells- both of which indicate some
> > kind of an infection, but he just doesn't know what kind yet.
> > I do have a phone consultation appointment tomorrow at 5:00 with the
> > holistic vet (Marylyn-- Dr. Maier) who treated Monkee at the end of his life
> > and whom Monkee loved- at a time when he was utterly miserable and fed up
> > with vets!  We are consulting on this kitten and then also to discuss
> > general care of fosters and things I can do holistically to help them rehab
> > faster.  I may end up taking Yoda to her anyway b/c of the diarrhea that I
> > can't get traditional vets to address.  Hopefully, I will have the blood
> > tests results on my sick kitten emailed to me before then, so I can forward
> > them to her for her review and "second" opinion.  I feel better because I am
> > finally getting some freaking vets lined up so that I can finally take care
> > of these fosters without always feeling like I'm supposed to do so without
> > ever having veterinary access unless a cat is pretty much dying in my arms.
> > Monkee died in my arms despite all the things we did to save him and there
> > is NO WAY I'm going to allow another cat to die in my arms- especially these
> > fosters who seem to have totally treatable (possibly preventable) things
> > going on with them!  Urg.  So we continue to forge ahead.
> > Poor kitty feels so much better and I'm worried about continuing to give
> > him fluids.  Dr. Maier said in an email that if he is doing that much better
> > and has had 3 treatments of subcu fluids, it's probably not necessary to do
> > them today.  But when I talked to the conventional vet that saw the cat on
> > Monday, he said to continue them b/c "extra fluids are extra fluids," "it
> > can't really hurt him" (I beg to differ- it's very traumatic b/c it's just
> > me and him in a contest of wills and strength and it's pretty horrible- he
> > gets that huge needle out everytime and I have to re-stick him-- which is
> > hell for me and him), and "without really seeing the cat, he can't tell me
> > to discontinue fluids."  Well, my mom and I have discussed it and I'm doing
> > them tonight.  It's too much on him and me.  He's feeling too "good" now so
> > that he really fights the fluid giving.  I always recall that Dr. Maier- in
> > all her holistic wisdom- said (when I first took Monkee to her), that "you
> > don't want the treatment to be worse than the disease."  I think that solves
> > my dilemma for now.
> > Caroline
> >
> >
> >
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> > --
> > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> >
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> >*
> >
> > Please help Clarissa!
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Please help Clarissa!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!*

Please help Clarissa!

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