Lynne - I could not be happier to hear about Snowball.  I have always found 
great joy whenever I have adopted a new kitty--for whatever reason.  So, I too 
feel she will bring much happiness to your family.  Congratulations!!!

PS - I have only had one purebred Persian - Priscilla, who was born on the 4th 
of July 1990 and left us 16 years later.  She, like many Persians did have eyes 
which needed to be cleaned often.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lynne 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 5:00 PM
  Subject: Re: newgirlexpected

  Thank you Laurie.  I am not one hundred percent certain that Snowball was 
diagnosed with Herpes but this is what the general opinion is and considering 
her living conditions prior to the foster mom's getting her, it is most likely 
what she has.  I guess I'll know more when I get the vet reports and her 
immunization records.  She's healthy now but needs her eyes cleaned daily.  
Apparently some persians have this issue with runny eyes???

  It only made sense to me that she should not be spayed so soon after we get 
her.  People with herpes virus have the same problem of stress triggering 
outbreaks.  Thank heavens you didn't have your Isabella spayed.  I will 
definitely get some rescue remedy and some lysine(?).  Laurie I was on the 
herpes group but got so angry at this guy who is breeding cats with herpes 
virus in some attempt to irradicate the virus that I left.  It was becoming 
seriously argumentative and emotionally I am just not up to fighting these 
days.   I do have some guilt about what happened to BooBoo.  I am just so sorry 
we neutered him, but the vet said he was healthy enough to handle it.  I would 
never place blame on anyone, except for the criminals who sold him to us, but 
if only I knew then what I know now things may have been different.  His blood 
work was bleak.  He was a very ill little guy but still, who knows how it may 
have turned out.  Extremely hard lesson to learn.

  Snowball will never replace BooBoo or our wonderful Chuck or Lennie, who 
doesn't appear to be leaving any time too soon but I think she will bring some 
much needed joy into this house.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: laurieskatz 
    Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 3:37 PM
    Subject: Re: newgirlexpected

    May I be the first to say.....Congratulations! I can feel your joy! I am 
glad you decided to wait on the spay. I have had that same thought about Booboo 
but didn't want to say it...we waited to spay Isabella (FeLV+), too. Eventually 
(via abdominal ultrasound performed because of then health issues ~ she is 
healthy now!) we learned she had hemaclips which meant she was already spayed. 
Each time we took her to be spayed she was sick ...what a blessing in disguise!

    Winston (probable herpes) outbreaks when he goes to the vet. Using rescue 
remedy, rubbed inside his ears, has helped tremendously. You have good gut 
instincts, Lynn. I am glad they are cooperating with you!!

    Happy Day! 
    Consider joining the herpes yahoo group if you haven't already. I will see 
you there from time to time!
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Lynne 
      Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 2:17 PM
      Subject: newgirlexpected

      I got the email I've been waiting for today.  I have been trying to adopt 
this adorable little rescued cat, persian, for a couple weeks now.  I have 
missed BooBoo so much and have been through such emotional garbage with the 
previous owners of him that I just need another cat to give a good life to.  
This cat was rescued from a horrible person who had a pet shop in town.  The 
humane society and SPCA went in and seized his animals and the City took his 
business licence away.  This cat, (Snowball) was so sick, eyes swollen shut 
from infection, URI and it has taken the foster woman a month to get her well.  
She got final approval from the vet to be let go, has got her shots updated and 
that's that.  She had been disgnosed with herpes.  I know, I'm getting myself 
into another potential situation here, but at least I know what I have to deal 
with if an outbreak occurs.  The vet was going to have her spayed before 
releasing her but I convinced him that I would do it in the near future once 
she has settled down in her new home.  I wish I had never had BooBoo neutered 
so quickly after getting him.  I truly believe it triggered his rapid downfall. 

      Anyway, I now have the foster mom's personal email and we are going to 
start the process of her coming to me.  I am just so happy to be able to look 
after another little lost soul.


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