Sorry, I messed up the subject box - too tired.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 38, Issue 
23Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 16:48:15 -0700

Hi Wendy,Thanks for asking. Cami is better. It's been a long rough road so far 
for these magnificent 7. All are better now and I'm close to $5000. poorer. Of 
course this includes neutering, spaying, blood panels, dentals and numerous 
extractions for infected teeth, vaxing, ear flushing, meds, etc., etc.. Whew! 
And of course I'm exhausted... I will keep them until they get tested again and 
then try to find forever homes for at least some of the negatives. Cami still 
gets long acting injectable antibiotics twice weekly. We tried the injectable 
tetracycline a while back and almost lost him. He was then extremely ill for 
days. I've been giving him Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor also along with 
numerous supplements and vit B12 and everything combined seems to have kicked 
in his immune system finally. He has a heart murmur also - the vet thinks the 
systemic infection he had damaged his valves. When he's stronger, he'll have a 
cardiac ultrasound. Each one of them has minor relapses with URI's but are over 
them within a few days now.  The ones that came up FeLV negative also had 
really horrible blood panels with low red blood cell counts, etc. I have had 
the negatives vaxed twice now and will get all retested in a few months.I have 
been reading the archives and learning a lot. I have kept 5 and now 6 of the 7 
together. They were sheltered together and 2 (1 positive and 1 negative) of 
them survived by physically taking care of each other there so I can't  
separate those 2. They sleep together, comfort each other, etc.. I have been so 
torn about that. The negative one is a dwarf. I live in the lower mainland of 
BC Canada close to the border. If there is anyone on this list who lives in the 
area and has a vet who is very FeLV knowledgeable, please let me know.Immulan 
isn't available in Canada but my vet is right on the border (Zero ave) and will 
get it for me. I understand it's very expensive but I'm sure it's cheaper than 
treating the illnesses associated. If anyone has any experience with Immulan 
(positive or negative), I'd love to hear it.If anyone has any advice, ideas, 
etc. please pass it on to me. For those who use DMG, how much do you give? 
ThanksEl> Message: 1> Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:35:49 -0700 (PDT)> From: wendy 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: Unresponsive URI> To:> Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"> > How is your baby doing, El?> > > "Never doubt 
that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world - 
indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~> > > 

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