I've never had a problem either.  Some of mine have lived with positives for 
over 10 years and are still negative.

Carmen Conklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    Hi Sue, Glad to hear you are letting 
Buzz out into the general population. We have had good success with mixing our 
FeLV kits with non positive cats. We have had 4 different felines who lived in 
close association with the other felines and they did NOT have a FeLV 
vaccination either. They never got it. One lived with the FeLV's for over 3 
years and then we moved him to another home. Another lived to be very old. They 
never fought, or bit, so never got it and the FeLV virus dies pretty quickly if 
a cat sneezes, etc..We put interferon in the water daily to boost all of them, 
but we have had a good success rate for mixing. And Buzz will be happier I am 
sure. Carmen (mostly a lurker, but have posted a few times)! Have a great day.

> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 08:39:13 -0400
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Buzz emancipated
> Hello, everyone,
> This coming Friday the last of my 5 FeLV- cats will get his booster. Then I 
> will wait the appropriate amount of time and release Buzz from his prison 
> room into the general population. I am scared to death. I would rather 
> continue to keep them seperate but Buzz is crazy to escape his room every 
> time we open the door and the time I spend behind the closed door with him is 
> taking away from my family, not to mention the other cats. My question is 
> this; is there anything anyone knows of besides the vaccinations that I can 
> do for my other cats that may help to protect them? They are all being fed 
> the Wellness canned food. Buzz will soon be getting a vitamin suppliment that 
> is supposed to boost the immune systems of FeLV+ cats that my vet found, but 
> I doubt if it does anything to stop the virus from shedding. Any advise would 
> be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Sue

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