Hi, Lynn,
Anyone who knows from this list all that you did for BooBoo also knows that 
Snowy is a lucky kitty to have you.  I'm so glad to hear things are going well 
for her and you.  Is she ending up being "your" cat?
Best wishes for her next Thursday.  So many cats get spayed all the time with 
no problems.  I'm sure she will come through with flying colors.
---- Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while but have been reading all the emails.  I guess this 
is a little off topic but I need some reassurance.  This coming Thursday we are 
taking our Snowy in to be spayed.  It was part of the contract I signed when we 
adopted her from the foster mom. She's the rescued girl we got after BooBoo 
died.  She's a 3 year old persian and I am scared to death about doing this.  
We've had her for about a month and the vet thought it a good idea that we wait 
til she adjusted to us, which took about a day.  She had been neglected in the 
past and had basically lived in a cage until she was rescued.  She had feline 
herpes and a respiratory infection when she was taken but recovered nicely and 
was immunized when we got her.  I just keep thinking that if we had not had 
BooBoo neutered he may have fared better.  I truly believe that it hastened his 
demise.  I hope I'm wrong about this and even though we have always had our 
cats neutered, I realize spaying is a little more complicated.  The vet assured 
us she would be fine but if we lost her I don't think we'd ever recover.  She 
is an amazing precious little girl.  We haven't had a younger cat in the house 
for a long time and she is so playful and comes to bed with me every night when 
I go upstairs.  She talks to us all the time in these little meows and you can 
tell she is really happy.

The field worker who investigated BooBoo's previous owners came by last week to 
meet her and see how she was doing and was amazed at her too.  He commented 
that we were lucky to get her because hundreds of people applied.  She's kind 
of a poster child in this area for abused animals.  He also said she was very 
lucky to have got us, which was very nice of him.


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