I would just keep doing whatever you're doing.  Having fiv is one of the 'best' 
things to have if you have to have a health problem and you're a cat.

  We have had a kitten since last summer when he was about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks 
old. He came back possitive FIV. He was tested again when he was about 9 or 10 
months old and sad to say, he was still possitive. So I guess he does have FIV. 
Not sure what to do now. Thanks, Robin P.
---- gary wrote: 
> OK, here we go.
> The only reason to test a kitten for FIV before 6 months is to obtain a 
> negative test and know for certain the kitten does NOT have FIV and can be 
> adopted without the chance of FIV. We all know that MOST kittens who test 
> positive for FIV will test negative when retested around 6 months of age.
> For FeLV, the accuracy of the test itself is not affected by the age of the 
> kitten (at least I have never seen any data to indicate that) however, it can 
> take 1 to 3 months to develop FeLV antigens to a detectable level after 
> exposure. Some feel they are detectable in as little as 2 weeks. The vet is 
> just trying to avoid a false negative.
> Unfortunately, there has not been enough study done to know just how much 
> exposure and for what length of time it takes to infect a kitten or a cat. An 
> article in Shelter Medicine says, "FeLV can be spread transplacentally from 
> mother to offspring, but spread via nursing or grooming is more common." 
> http://www.sheltermedicine.com/portal/is_feline_felv.shtml
> They don't reference any data for that. Sort of leaves you in a tough place 
> if you have a know FeLV queen about to give birth, do the kittens already 
> have it, or do you snatch them away as soon as they are born so they don't 
> get it from milk or grooming? 
> Hope that helps.
> Gary 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: MaryChristine 
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Felv Testing Interval for kittens
> i guess the question is this, tho i may be wrong:
> there is no point in testing for FIV until at least six months of age, 
> because both the ELISA and western blot test antibodies, and kittens will 
> show their MOM'S antibodies until (and often for two or three motnsh beyond) 
> then.
> is the only reason that the article i just read said you can test for FeLV, 
> which tests antigens instead of antibodies? why would the vet mentioned above 
> then say 3 months is the best age? 

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