When the vet suspected one of my seven was FeLV+ he reassured me by telling
me my others had already been exposed, so no need to isolate him.

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:58 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My cat


I'm sorry to hear about your furbaby.  We understand that horrible feeling
when you get a positive FeLV test result back.  However, it isn't an
immediate death sentence, and often there can be false positives on the
tests.  In addition, kitties can 'throw' the virus, meaning their immune
systems reject the virus and they are no longer positive.  I'm sure that's
not the actual scientific explanation, but you get the idea.  A stress-free
environment, a great diet, with immune boosting supplements, and lots of
love are the 3 best things you can do for your kitty.  Many of us, including
me, believe in mixing positives and negatives.  I did, and my other 3 never
contracted it from my positive and they were together for 4 years.  You'll
need to vaccinate your  negatives though should you choose to mix.  It's
those cats with weakened immune systems, like kittens whose IS's are not
fully developed yet, that are more susceptible.  Plus fighting,
 where saliva can be transferred into the bloodstream, is also how it can
be contracted.  How long have your others been exposed to your positive?  If
it's been a while, and your others tested negative recently, then they have
most likely been exposed, and aren't susceptible, especially if they are
adults.  That being said, there have been a few people here who have had
negatives become positive, but it's rare in my opinion.  I think it causes
more stress to separate, especially if they are already used to being
together.  Is he symptomatic?  What prompted you to test him?

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret
Meade ~~~ 

From: Molly Mitchell <molly.kathleen.mitch...@gmail.com>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 4:01:20 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] My cat


Yesterday, one of my four cats was diagnosed through the ELIZA test
with FeLV, and I am just devastated.  He's always
been healthy; he's 3 y.o. and I'd had him since he was a
kitten, until last year when he escaped while we were moving.
He was on the streets for almost four months, then FOUND,
and I've had him back since early December.  My other three
cats (two gotten after the original two disappeared, and one who was
found with him and looks like his original "sister" but
subsequently went into heat when she was fixed, so...) tested

Right now I have him in my bedroom, totally separate facilities,
and he's miserable.  I would really appreciate it if anyone had
any information about infection rates in negative cats living
with infected ones; if it's not safe, I'm going to have to find him a
home with other infected cats, because he's too social to be
isolated like that.


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