Plus, the stress of suddenly being seperated from one another could trigger 
something.  My vet and I are pretty sure that is what happened to Annie.  she 
was most likely exposed and it had been dormant and the stress of loosing her 
person, being isolated for 21 days and then getting used to having other cats 
around lowered her immune system so she could not fight it off.  dorlis
---- gary <> wrote: 
> Hi Steven,
> Sorry to hear one of your babies is FeLV and has a lymphoma.  Lymphoma is
> one of the things that can be caused by FeLV.  I can't personally comment on
> the treatment for lymphoma, but I have a friend who had an FeLV kitty that
> had it and chemo was successful in that case.
> As someone else said, I don't know why your vet is assuming the others are
> positive, most/many adult cats are naturally immune or have been exposed and
> were able to clear the virus and are immune. It is possible they could all
> have it, but unless they were kittens when exposed, I would doubt it.  Even
> being exposed as kittens does not necessarily mean they will have it.
> If these kitties have all been together for some time, I wouldn't bother
> separating them.  I wouldn't even bother with "controlled conditions, it's
> not like Sammy just became positive yesterday, they have been exposed for a
> long time and if they were going to get it they already have it.
> Gary
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 1:04 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Devastated and Ignorant-Confused-New Diagnosis in
> Multiple Cat Household
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Steven with a long history of feline stewardship; will not say  
> owner because who owns who is always in question! :) Sorry for a long  post.
> I 
> am confused and wanting to make sure I get the most efficient and  best 
> treatment possible for a recent diagnosis:
> I have 6 felines in my household:
> Rosie-12 year old female brown tabby
> Samauri a/k/a Sammy- 9 year old male blonde tabby
> Olivander- 7 year old male Maine Coon
> Maggie- 3 year old female blonde and white tabby
> Squeaky-2 year old female tuxedo
> Fuzzy-2 year old male long haired tuxedo and brother of Squeaky
> My 9 year old Samauri just diagnosed yesterday with FELV and x-rays show  
> moderate cancer mass in his chest cavity. His comprehensive blood work shows
> all  
> is normal and in range so I am confused.  He eats, drinks, sleeps, plays
> and 
> behaves normally as he always has, would not know he was sick at all.   All 
> other felines being tested on Monday 3/23 and Samauri is currently  
> "quarantined" in 1 large bedroom and we are all not happy about this.  Is
> the cancer 
> which my vet says is of the lymphoma type caused by the FELV virus as  a 
> "secondary disease" or is it possible the cancer is in addition to the FELV
> positive 
> status and the virus is not causing havoc yet?  Would the blood  work be 
> "normal" or are "we" just lucky so far?  Samauri has been going to  the vet
> lately 
> for a cronic upper respiratory infection where his eyes tear  because the 
> nasal passages were clogged. Medication clears it up as it has  occurred
> 2-3x per 
> year for the past several years.   
> I am seeing a specialist on Tuesday for the cancer that shows up on the  
> x-rays.  I imagine this is what I fight and do other things to ensure his
> immune 
> system stays as healthy as possible?  My vet has given me liquid  Immuno 
> Support Vitamins that contains Lysine, Larch Arabinogalactan, Reishi
> Mushroom and 
> Lutein. He wants the specialist to come up with a cancer fighting  
> chemotherapy protocol.
> Also, I have read posts regarding separating or not  separating positive and
> negative felines, and my vet actually is already  assuming the other cats to
> be tested will test positive.  Should he be  making that assumption?   I am 
> fairly convinced right now that I could  let all kitties roam the house
> under 
> certain managed conditions relating to  shared bowls, etc.  
> Am I even close to being on the right track here?  I have supported  CRF and
> Cardiomyopathy felines at home in the past but this is all new to me  
> regarding FELV status and cancer.
> Thank you to everyone for bearing with me
> God Bless all our felines!
> Steven
> New York
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