who owns who , that is the question.  i believe that it is our cats who own us. 
 as to lymphoma, it can be beaten, i did it and am in remission 6 years as of 
this February.  don't give up hope.  as for treatment, it seems chemo is the 
only route as radiation would do far more harm than good.  course, i had it all 
over my body, inside and outside because once in the lymphatic system, can 
travel all over.  .  if Samauri has only one nodule, that might be a different 
story.  For sure, don't give up hope and prayer was my main healer.  will keep 
you on my prayer list.  dorlis
---- spertus...@aol.com wrote: 
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Steven with a long history of feline stewardship; will not say  
> owner because who owns who is always in question! :) Sorry for a long  post.  
> I 
> am confused and wanting to make sure I get the most efficient and  best 
> treatment possible for a recent diagnosis:
> I have 6 felines in my household:
> Rosie-12 year old female brown tabby
> Samauri a/k/a Sammy- 9 year old male blonde tabby
> Olivander- 7 year old male Maine Coon
> Maggie- 3 year old female blonde and white tabby
> Squeaky-2 year old female tuxedo
> Fuzzy-2 year old male long haired tuxedo and brother of Squeaky
> My 9 year old Samauri just diagnosed yesterday with FELV and x-rays show  
> moderate cancer mass in his chest cavity. His comprehensive blood work shows 
> all  
> is normal and in range so I am confused.  He eats, drinks, sleeps, plays  and 
> behaves normally as he always has, would not know he was sick at all.   All 
> other felines being tested on Monday 3/23 and Samauri is currently  
> "quarantined" in 1 large bedroom and we are all not happy about this.  Is  
> the cancer 
> which my vet says is of the lymphoma type caused by the FELV virus as  a 
> "secondary disease" or is it possible the cancer is in addition to the FELV  
> positive 
> status and the virus is not causing havoc yet?  Would the blood  work be 
> "normal" or are "we" just lucky so far?  Samauri has been going to  the vet 
> lately 
> for a cronic upper respiratory infection where his eyes tear  because the 
> nasal passages were clogged. Medication clears it up as it has  occurred 2-3x 
> per 
> year for the past several years.   
> I am seeing a specialist on Tuesday for the cancer that shows up on the  
> x-rays.  I imagine this is what I fight and do other things to ensure his  
> immune 
> system stays as healthy as possible?  My vet has given me liquid  Immuno 
> Support Vitamins that contains Lysine, Larch Arabinogalactan, Reishi  
> Mushroom and 
> Lutein. He wants the specialist to come up with a cancer fighting  
> chemotherapy protocol.
> Also, I have read posts regarding separating or not  separating positive and 
> negative felines, and my vet actually is already  assuming the other cats to 
> be tested will test positive.  Should he be  making that assumption?   I am 
> fairly convinced right now that I could  let all kitties roam the house under 
> certain managed conditions relating to  shared bowls, etc.  
> Am I even close to being on the right track here?  I have supported  CRF and 
> Cardiomyopathy felines at home in the past but this is all new to me  
> regarding FELV status and cancer.
> Thank you to everyone for bearing with me
> God Bless all our felines!
> Steven
> New York
> **************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
> less. (http://food.aol.com/frugal-feasts?ncid=emlcntusfood00000001)
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