Cats are frequently killed in garbage trucks. They jump into dumpsters to get food then either can't get out or are asleep when the truck empties the dumpster. And people, being ever so humane, throw kittens into them. There have been people killed in the same way.

I am so glad you have the little guy. Ten weeks is a good age for a kitten.
On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:40 PM, wrote:

Hi, folks:

I emailed last week or so about a little stray kitten that we were trying to catch. We caught the kitten yesterday and he's currently being checked out at the vet. I am hoping and praying he's healthy.? He is not a feral kitty. He is about ten weeks and just as cute and sweet as can be.

His story is very sad. My husband is building a cell at a land fill here in California. He just found out from an employee of the land fill that the kitten was in a garbage truck and they saw him when the truck was dumped. Can you imagine? Who could do such a thing? Anyway, he's safe now and will have a good home with us. I will email with his test results.

Thank you all for your help,
Kathryn McKaig

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurieskatz <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 7:08 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

Is there any diarrhea or vomiting? Frankie was ravenous - even raiding the other kitties' bowls and was diagnosed with pancreatitis. The vet had not seen the ravenous eating with pancreatitis before. He did lose some weight
later after he became anorexic. He had occasional fudgy stools.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 3:20 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Cat losing weight/question about Doxy

I have an appointment for Wolfie to get bloodwork tomorrow.? He's been
losing weight steadily for almost 4 years now.? We've done numerous stool samples, bloodwork (CBC and chem) every 6 months, and 2 thyroid tests.? He's been on kitten food (high fat) to try to stop the weight loss but it's not
helping.? He eats well and always seems hungry.?

I've been discussing how to proceed with my vet and her suggestions of
possibilities were an IDEXX hemobart test, a pancreatitis test (spec- flp), a
feline digestive panel (which would include the flp test), and a more
extensive thyroid panel.? Abdominal ultrasound and bone marrow biopsy came up as well as B-comp and B-12 injections.? The lab suggested we start with the hemobart and thyroid panel tomorrow to see what we find. If we don't find anything there, we will do the extensive digestive panel in a couple
weeks.  Does that sound like a reasonable plan?

We have been discussing whether to just treat for hemobart and while she is
open to treating him without a test confirming he has it, we have some
concerns.? Most of the research she sent me expressed concerns about
developing antibiotic resistance especially among cats with retroviruses.? The other concern is what form of doxycycline to use if we do treat.? What do most people use for their cats? She sent me some options and it seems esophageal stricture is a concern if using tablets for cats. She said I can
get it compounded but wondered what form people
on this board are using.
Can anybody let me know what form of doxy they use to treat hemobart?


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