Hi Kim
Wonder if you put a rug or towel in the litter box if she would use it
Wonder if the sides of the box scare her. I try to "think like a cat". She
is telling you she likes something soft and flat to urinate. I feel your
fear. Sometimes when I don't know what to do, I put it "out there" when I go
to bed and sometimes I know what to do in the morning. 

Have you considered acupuncture? A friend had this for her cat whose rear
legs were no longer working and she had a complete return of function. That
kitty did not have FELV or the other issues you are dealing with. (What is
CH?) The fits seem so odd...I am recalling that my Teddy (also asthmatic)
started having what looked like seizures. He would stop with one paw in the
air, like he was frozen. By the time I rushed him to the vet, it had passed.
He would thrash around in the bed at night. After he died we discovered he
had metastasized lung cancer. The vet didn't know how he could even breathe
because his lungs were so full of cancer. The specialists did not detect his
cancer despite doing biopsies (including a needle biopsy of his lungs),
blood work, etc. I was frustrated to learn the vet did not include Teddy's
brain in the necropsy as I truly felt he must have had some cancer in his
brain because of the apparent seizures.


-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Kim
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 9:52 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Jenny-How is Autumn??

Hi Laurie,

I Hate myself for having thoughts of letting her go at such a young age.
She is a very beautiful cat whom I have raised since she was one day old.
She was brought to me on Mother's Day in 2008.  Her CH was made worse when I
had her vaccinated and again when I had her spayed.  It seems like I have
done the wrong thing to her constantly because of lack of knowledge. 

I don't think my vet will come here to euthanize her. She will start having
a "fit" once I put her in a carrier to take her there.  If I carry her she
will "fit" just from being in the car.  I am so upset and just don't know
what to do.  

It is comforting to hear that your cat bites you too when he has asthma
attacks.  At least I know this is normal now. I am so sorry you have to go
through this though.  AS you know, an attack is so hard on them. I know my
cat only bites us because she cannot breathe...the same as yours. I've had
cats for over 20 years now and she is my first one to have asthma as well as
so many other health issues. 

She stopped going to her litter box after I had all the carpeting removed
from our home.  This wasn't the smartest thing for me to do but at the time
I didn't put two and two together. She needed the carpet to get around with
her CH.  I Have since went back and placed area rugs around the house over
the hard wood floors to aid her walking abilities.  This has helped about
80%.  She still will not go to her potty and when I take her there and place
her in the potty she will fight with me and start having a "fit."  It is
like my placing her in the litter box makes her have an asthma attack. 

I feel like everything I have done has worked against her.  This is the last
thing I ever wanted to do. I only take her to the potty about two times a
day now and when she starts fighting with me I take her out immediately
before she gets too worked up and then she rushes to the hallway and potties
on the runner rug I placed there.  

Taking her to the vet is so traumatic on her too and makes her so much
worse.  I am to the point I just don't know what to do.  With all of her
"fits" she has I think she would be better off passing.  Actually, the last
time I took her to the vet I was told that they weren't to sure she wouldn't
die she was "fitting" so badly.  After she is allowed to go home with me,
she is great but then she will "fit" before I can even get her home and it
seems like it is a never ending story with her.  

She has been dealing with this for about a month now and I just hate putting
her through this!  

I don't even know what's best for her right now. 

Thanks, for answering my email.  You have helped me greatly just letting me
know you and your cat go through this too.


"...Saving just one pet won't change the world....but surely the world will
change for that one pet..."
 "One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Laurieskatz
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:03 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Jenny-How is Autumn??

I am sorry to hear this. My asthmatic cat bites me. I think he is terrified
when he can't breathe. He is also blind which could be a factor. He is not
FeLV+. We had a FeLV+ who was having tremors. The vet thought it might 
been a medication we were giving her. 

Re the bite, I use Calendula gel and also soak the bite area in Epsom salts.
It is important to prevent infection. Calendula was recommended by a vet and
works amazingly well. If it gets infected you may need antibiotics.

You can give prednisone transdermally (inside the outer area of the ear..not
into the ear canal itself). It does not need to be given by mouth.

None of this answers your question but these are thoughts I had. Also, will
your vet come to the house if you decide on euthanasia? I think that is
easier for everyone. Is your kitty suffering? Above all I think we owe them
that...to not suffer.

Bless you. This is a difficult decision.


-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Kim
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 8:45 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Jenny-How is Autumn??

Jenny and other forum members, too,

I have a young cat with CH, lymphoid hypoplasia and now severe asthma.  She
has weakened greatly in her hind legs and back.  My vet has not been able to
get her asthma under control.  She has "spells" or "fits" and will get very
very violent with us.  She does this while wheezing but she also has those
"fits" when I put her in her potty or when I put her in her cat carrier to
take her to the vet.  She has had several very bad "fits" where she will
bite me, anything she can get a hold of. She has bitten me so badly, down to
the bone, on two of my fingers.  They are now swollen and very painful.  She
has done this to my husband too.  These "fits" she keeps having is NOT a
behavior my precious cat is known for. She is the sweetest most loving cat

My vet mentioned that she might have fluid on her brain.  I don't understand
this but I hate seeing my baby like this.  Most of the time I am unable to
help her.  She "fits" worse if I put her in her carrier to take her to the
vet.  If I carry her she bites me badly.  I am also unable, in most cases to
get a prednisone pill down her when she is starts out having a "fit".  All I
am able to do is cry and stay beside her until she gets over it.  

Even though she is only one year and four months old I am thinking about
allowing her to pass.  My question to you is; is it easier for the cat to be
put to sleep at the vet or to die at home?  I really need to know what to
expect.  I love her so much and if I see her having a painful death I will
go even more crazy!  Currently she eats very little and I have been syringe
feeding her.  I know that if she doesn't eat she will get liver disease.  I
have a cat with liver disease before and it is a very hard thing to watch
when they cannot stand up and when they are feeling so sick. I was able to
save my cat who suffered from the liver disease but I don't know if I can
knowing let my cat get the disease and pass away in that manner.  

Jenny, I am so sorry for your loss.  It is one of the hardest things we, as
pet owners, go through in life.  Did your cat pass away peacefully once you
stopped feeding her?  

Thanks for your answers. I know this is such a hard time for you and so
sorry for asking you these questions at this time.

I had written to this group about a month or so ago about her not being able
to get in the litter box any more and fighting me when I put her in it.  I
had her urine checked and she was fine.  I truly do think something has gone
wrong in her mind but this is something totally new that I am going through
and I don't know what to expect.


"...Saving just one pet won't change the world....but surely the world will
change for that one pet..."
 "One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of jbero tds.net
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 5:32 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Jenny-How is Autumn??

Hey Alice,

Thanks for asking.  Actually, Autumn stopped eating again last week and I
found a large (3-4 inch) mass in her abdomen.  I knew it was a large
lymphoma so I let her stop eating and she died two days ago.  I miss her
deeply.  She was so young and vital so full of life and love.

I sincerely believe the Imulan and ambrotose could have save her life if I
had started it earlier.  I wish someone had told me about it before she was
knocking at death's door.  It is likely she had the lymphoma at the time I
started treating her.  Her bone marrow was resonding and so I am devastated
I didn't start earlier, but I did the best with the knowledge I had at the

I am so glad yours are doing well.  It sounds like you have started early
enough and they have a chance.  I am so grateful for that.  It seems that
this is an illness that needs to be treated when there are few or no signs
or symptoms only a positive test.  When we wait, it is too late.  It is a
shame most vets tell you to do nothing or put them down.

Have their CBCs improved?  I believe their energy was improving, right?  If
it were me, I would continue the treatment and have them retested for the
virus in a few months.  Maybe they'll turn negative.

Thanks for asking, Alice and may God bless you and your little ones.


On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Alice Flowers

> Just wondering how she's doing-We are into our 2nd month with the
> treatments and all is great with our 2. Alice 
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