This week I noticed Spanky's nasal passage looked swollen and red. At  first I 
thought it was bleeding. It seemed that it just happened overnight!  I took 
Spanky to the vet on Wed morning  and she said it looks like he now has an the 
eosinophilic granuloma in  his nose and it is swollen and half blocking the 
nasal passage. He  has this also between his eyes and in his whiskers so it is 
migrating  to other parts of his face. It started out as a white dot, then as 
his  immune system became more depressed it turned into the granulomas and
 they keep getting larger. I started him on a topical  steroid 3x a day. The 
cream they gave me to put on the granulomas is  called tritop (neomycin sulfate 
isoflupredone acetate, tetracaine hydrochloride ointment.) 

However, I'm not sure how long we can wait to see if it works - next steps 
would be the steroid injection which will be dangerous for him given his lack 
of an immune system. Not sure if pred pill form should be tried first.  I 
can't  have his breathing blocked and do nothing. At this point he can  breathe 
and is eating/drinking. 

I started him on cyproheptadine  for his appetite. He's lost about 1.5 lbs 
since May and keeps  steadily losing though he is eating. Spanky's last blood 
results were  better or the same as before. He's FELV pos and was anemic. I 
have  been giving him Pet-tinic 2x per day and it was able to raise his HCT  to 
32%.  I know there is a risk if I have to give him the oral steroids  
ultimately on his already non-existent immune system but I have to do
 something as they can turn into cancer. If anyone gives oral steroids  or if 
your kitty has had these granulomas I'd like to hear how your  kitties handle 
it. Spanky's WBC was only 2400 last test (low of 996). It is all such a 
delicate balance/juggling act with the
 FELV/anemia/ beginning of CRF/etc. The standard treatment for the
 granulomas is steroids (usually the depo steroid injection). I'm just looking 
for any advice or recommendations - do I see a dermatologist or risk surgery 
(laser surgery to remove these if I can find a laser surgeon in my area)?  
Sorry for rambling but I'm so upset that this has to be inside his nose now!  

Cindi on the anemia list gave me some good links I will send to my vet as well.

 Thanks. Stacy and Spanky

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