I am having such a hard time today with my kitten's death.
My little kitten that was 2 months old died last night.  She weighed 3/4 of
a pound.  She was the runt of the litter that I had raised since they were
four weeks old.  She has been a huge challenge for me the month I had her.
My vet first thought she had mega esophagus but then wasn't so sure when she
threw up roundworms.  She had a problem keeping her food down since the very
beginning.  Anyway, Friday, my vet wormed her, and her three siblings.  She
was doing great yesterday until around 7 pm.  I gave her a small bowl of KMR
and shortly afterwards she started having difficulty breathing and was
breathing through her mouth. She had eaten canned kitten food earlier and
was doing fine.  
She died while I was holding her trying to give her a sub q injection.  I
don't know what I was thinking.  I know I killed her.  She couldn't breathe
and I was trying to hold her still and evidently I had her in a position
that her breathing worse because she just went limp and died in my hands.
It was so fast that I didn't even get to give her any fluids.  I knew she
was having troubles breathing but yet I held her still and she was unable to
breath because of it.  
I'm having a hard time with her death. She was such a sweet kitten and even
though I can't admit it in front of her other three siblings she was my
Can anyone explain this to me?  Were the worms fighting the Strongid and
migrating to her lungs making her unable to breathe?  Did the KMR have
something to do with it?  
I feel so bad.  When I saw her throw up the worms Thursday night I told her
to hang in there and I would get her all better in the morning after the vet
wormed her but instead I feel like I killed her and did wrong by her. 
I am so sorry I did this to her and wish I could take it all back.  She
didn't deserve to die this way. 

"...Saving just one pet won't change the world....but surely the world will
change for that one pet..."
The top ten reasons to spay and neuter your dog or cat were killed in a
shelter today.

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