Dear all
It's been a few years since I last posted. Background: I found this amazing, 
wonderful, kind, supportive, and knowledgeable group--it remains my best 
Internet experience--after discovering that 5 members of a feral colony of 4 
kittens and 2 adults that I took in in 2003 had tested positive for a disease 
called feline leukemia. (1 of the adults, Momcat, was negative. I should say, 
didn't know if she was really the mother--I just gave her the name as she was 
the only adult female in the group. I saw no reason to separate her as she'd 
already been exposed, plus she was the most stressed/timid of all of them.)
Re-testing a few months later showed no change--5 pos, 1 neg.
Within 2 years, 3 of the kittens and the positive adult succumbed to the 
disease, 2 on the same day.
A few months later I re-tested again. This time, both remaining cats, Momcat 
Mickey, tested negative. Hi-fiving all round! They're now 8 and 7, 
Still resolutely feral, but healthy!
Fast forward to September this year when I began fostering Sally, a 5-week 
calico that had tested positive on both ELISA and IFA. The rescue group said 
they would re-test in 3 months.
The lab people said: "Why bother? Nothing you do is going to change the 
One of the vets at the clinic said the same thing: re-testing is pointless.
The rescue group disregarded the "advice" and earlier this month I took her for 
a 2nd round of ELISA and IFA. Result: both negative!
Just wanted to share--I figure we can always use good news. 
I will also say--and it's very much my decision, based on my personal 
with healthy adult Momcat (above), who lived alongside 5 positives but remained 
neg--this is the 2nd time I've fostered a pos kitten--Daisy remained positive 
and found a great forever home where she has a pos boyfriend too--and both 
I've mixed them freely with my healthy, adult cats. As I say, my personal 
decision. I would not say anyone else should do the same thing. 

Sending good wishes to all of you who do so much and for all the kitties in 
love and hugs and happy holidays.
Kerry M., mom to Flavia, Caramel, Levi, Snoball--all of whom gave me so much in 
their all-too-short lives, and are now immortalized thanks to Belinda and the 
Candlelight Service--Mickey, Momcat, Katyis, Trixie and Tiger, and foster mom 

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