Natalie, It makes sense to me and I'm no expert. We had some here at DFW airport (Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX) and there were earthquakes in Cleburne, TX as well. None were ever reported until after fracking.

Not only does fracking cause earthquakes, it can ruin a home's foundation too. The drillers (gas mafia) won't pay for any damages to the land/homeowner either.

There is such a drought across the U.S., yet they can use millions of gallons of fresh water per fracked well and not recycle any of it because it would cost them $$$, therefore, they would not profit as much. Here is a map (see link below) of Texas showing wells fracked from 1997 to 2010 (click on the small blue box to the left or the 1997 date on the upper right of map). The "dots" that appear in black were fracked vertically, red is horizontal fracking. I'd like to get away from it. I just can't right now. We are putting our home for sale next year after my oldest son graduates. We want to live off of a shale. Our town has recently implemented the toughest O & G ordinances anyone can have, but the adjoining town does not. I live less than 2 miles from that town's border and there will be 24+ gas wells on that pad site when they are done :( I'm not risking my families health (including my pets) over their greed.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Natalie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 2:11 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Off topic - for those who are interested: Fracking/Earthquakes in Arkansas

Remember we "talked" about fracking?  With so much of it going on, seems
logical that it could do that! I always wondered if drilling for oil too
much in one area might undermine the area's sound structure..hmmmm Natalie

Fracking Operations Cause Thousands of Earthquakes in Arkansas
Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "Geologists say fracking wastewater disposal wells in
central Arkansas caused an outbreak of thousands of minor earthquakes. The
Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission placed a ban on fracking wastewater wells in
the area yesterday. A moratorium on well activity had been in place for
months as geologists investigated a possible link between fracking activity and the outbreak of more than 1,200 earthquakes that measured lower than 4.7
in magnitude."

bQzUlSnOFe1> Read the Article

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