Thanks, that's the idea I had too... Since Beltza shared her life with Zuri,
my FeLV negative and we never had an issue.
What brand of vaccines do you use on your FeLV Negative. We are using
Pfizer's Leukocell on the rest of the kitties.

The thing is... If I was going to keep these little ones, I would be this
worried.... But since I am in the need of finding suitable homes for them, I
feel like I need to have more cautions. I do not want a random FeLV negative
to gain the virus, just because someone forgot a vaccine....

One of the kitties is probably 3 months old, whilst the other one is,
probably, 4 mo.
As you and Maureen suggested, I will do the IFA test... I just need to find
out where in México they have that test.
Thanks for the info on the IFA test, it was pretty clear and really useful
Maureen, thanks also for the info on the virus lifecycle/development. Is
there anything we can do to help our kittie's immune system to fight the
virus? Echinacea, maybe? Some other immunoestimulant?
What happened to the mama cat and the kitties?

Thanks for the advice and for your words Gracias Bonnie :)

So, if I got a negative result in the IFA test, it can still mean that they
are fighting the virus and the bone marrow could acquire the virus later?
This is so hard :(

Dear all,
Thank you so much for your support. This is a great group, and it feels son
nice to count on you guys in these hard times.

Best wishes,

PS. Here are pictures of the little ones, so you can get toknow them
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