This kitty still has a good chance of clearing the virus. I would retest again 
in 30 to 90 days. If it is positive again, then do an IFA test.  I would not 
worry at all that it has casual contact with your other cats.  In order for 
your other cats to contract FeLV, they would have to groom each other, share 
litter boxes, drink after one another or bite each other. Even then most cats 
do not contract it. I would just get your other cats the FeLV vaccination, must 
be 2 shots, 3 weeks apart.

As far as hook worms, there is a chance of your other cats contracting it. 
Those worms from what I understand goes through the toes of the cats so where 
that cat walked,  it could infect any of your cats that walked in the same 

Keep the faith and keep us posted.  I hope this helps.  Also, you probably need 
to change vets, FeLV is not a death sentence. Many cats live healthy lives with 
it.  It deserves a chance.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: dppl dppl 
  Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 5:52 PM
  Subject: [Felvtalk] stray kitten positive any advice for me

  I came across this site, having just been informed by the vet that the 
abandoned kitten I took in three weeks ago. Before I took it to the vet,  I 
have been keeping it in a separate room but admit that since it seemed so 
healthy I let it out for little walks.  I have 4 cats over 12 years old. Other 
than walking on the same floors, they have not had contact with this kitten.  
In our short phone call, the vet basically said that she would understand if I 
euthanized the cat and that she wasn't sure about false positive and whether 
retesting would be worthwhile. The cat also has hookworms.  When I took the cat 
in, she suggested that I give it its vaccinations before waiting for test 
results.  I asked if the cat turned out postitive, wouldn't this harm its 
immune system.  she said no.  Now when she called she said she was surprised 
that the cat tested positive since, other than the sore gums, which she 
attirbuted to teething and bad breath, she said it seemed healthy.  It does 
seem healthy , eats well and plays. and is the sweetest cat, loving and 
intelligent.  I am heartbroken about this. I'm sorry I haven't had time to read 
all archives but I work from home and also take care of my bedridden elderly 
mother.  Is there anyone out there would be kind enough to give me some advice? 
Thank you. PS  the test done was elisa and it just says "positive" the vet 
estimates the cat is from 5-6 months old.


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