Yes, alwsys retest on a positive SNAP test, but there seems to be a lot of 
people who think a negstive IFA means the cat is negative. Thats just as scary 
as people not understanding to always retest a positive.

GRAS <> wrote:

>"A positive Elisa & a negative IFA means the Cat IS positive" - Yes, UNLESS
>the ELISA was a false positive, which means that ideally, one should retest
>with the ELISA and see how it comes out (both positive or positive and
>negative) and then go from there....
>Yes, it is amazing with all the misinformation...I remember reading things
>last year that are different this year (from the same sources...) makes one
>really wonder!
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Beth
>Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 7:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
>Yes, that is correct. A positive Elisa & a negative IFA means the Cat IS
>positive, the virus is just not replicating in the bone marrow yet. That's
>why I worry when people get so excited about a negative IFA. It really only
>means the cat may still throw off the virus.
>It's strange your vet didn't make that clear. But then some vets seem
>clueless when it comes to this virus. 
>Hoping for the best for your babies.
>GRAS <> wrote:
>>Hi, everyone:
>>OK - I guess this is where I should come in and explain about what 
>>happened to me, based on the note below:
>>If anyone can remember, about 3 1/2 yrs ago, Eliot Spitty,  was 
>>diagnosed by the ELISA test to be FeLV positive.  I couldn't find him a 
>>home, so I found another positive cat for him after 2 years of him 
>>being all alone (they became close buddies almost overnight). After I 
>>joined the group, I learned about the IFA test, had them both tested in 
>>June, they were negative.  I introduced them to the rest of the cats (I 
>>operate a cat rescue group from our home).  Eliot died of renal failure in
>September (euthanized), and Mr.
>>Tux being such a snuggle bunny, was adopted three weeks ago to a home 
>>where another cat was adopted from me over 10 years ago.  A week ago, 
>>Mr. Tux started losing appetite, and developed 105 temperature.  The 
>>woman's sister is a veterinarian, knowing his history, she immediately 
>>tested him ELISA & IFA - both were positive, and his virus is already 
>>in his bone marrow. They are heartbroken because their 7-yr old 
>>daughter and Mr. Tux fell in love at first sight - he slept under her arm,
>the other cat, Riley, at her side.
>>The cats were friendly, but not close (but as we know, FeLV is a very 
>>sneaky virus). They will have to test Riley in about 5 weeks, Mr. Tux 
>>went to live with the vet who has a real animal-loving 3-yr old and a 
>>dog (Mr. Tux likes dogs). Bottom line is:  All my cats have been 
>>exposed to Eliot and Mr. Tux since mid-June.  Since the youngest and 
>>oldest or not-so-healthy cats are at most risk, I started with our 
>>6-month old Hammie who was only 5 weeks old when he came to us.  We 
>>also tested a cat that had to have another blood tests for his ongoing 
>>renal problem - both were NEGATIVE! However, little Hammie has a 1045.2 
>>temperature, yet was exposed to Mr. Tux long enough to have shown 
>>reliable results.  Hammie had an episode of unknown origin in September, of
>104.4 temperature.
>>I will test the youngest ones first, then the oldest and weakest.  The 
>>"middle class" will come last.  I don't know what the results will be, 
>>I hope that they're all OK - but if it isn't, I am already doing 
>>research into natural things, changing their diets (even if it means I 
>>have to cook for them).  I am re-reading Anitra Frazier's The New Natural
>Cat and Dr.
>>Pitcairn's Natural Health for Dogs and Cats - have had the books for years.
>>Will also check out my Nicholas Dodd The Cat that Cried for Help, maybe 
>>there's some advice ion there.
>>The more I read about the tests, the more it becomes obvious that even 
>>if the IFA comes back negative after a positive ELISA, it only means 
>>that the virus just isn't in the bone marrow yet.  If the cat tests 
>>positive on ELISA and negative on a follow-up ELISA, then the cat is 
>>negative.  Unless, of course, the ELISA was a false positive, and again 
>>a false positive, which I assume can also happen - there are so many 
>>variables, and it's a shame that so many false positives occur, and so 
>>many vets tell people to euthanize their cats just because they have tested
>>I have privately sent some info I found to the other two who have 
>>reported cats diagnosed with FeLV, too large to send to this group. I 
>>will send it to Lee as well.
>>I am keeping my hopes up that my household won't become a FeLV clinic..
>>[] On Behalf Of Lee Evans
>>Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 4:31 PM
>>To: felvtalk
>>Subject: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
>>Sunday, February 5, 2012 3:44 PM
>>My cat Moses tested positive for FeLv.  Since I have many other cats, I 
>>isolated him in a room in my house, retested three months later and he 
>>tested negative.  That was about 6 years ago.  He's still going strong and
>>happy.   If Ginger is an only cat, just allow her to continue her life,
>>retest in about two or three months.  Even if she's still positive, 
>>that's NOT a death sentence if she's happy and free from stress and 
>>physical danger. Feed her good food, clean water.  Think simple.  If 
>>she has a problem with something, it may be just a normal cat 
>>situation, not related to leukemia but always have it checked out.  
>>Most important, get a second opinion and a vet who is going to treat 
>>Ginger as if she has years of life ahead of her. Be happy and don't look at
>her as if she's a pending fatality.
>>Look at her the same way you have been doing all along.  A wonderful 
>>cat enjoying her life.
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