You came to that conclusion only because it is usually the case under such
circumstances; Craig is different, he's just a creepy, old, despicable, and
selfish son-of-a-gun! That was my first thought, too, because on videos that
I've seen before, the place looked immaculate and the cats appeared healthy
(that must have been the first day!) and then things went steadily downhill,
or, more likely, at an accelerated pace.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lorrie
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Caboodle Ranch

It appears I was certainly wrong to assume Craig Grant just couldn't turn
down a homeless cat. It was money for his own enjoyment that he couldn't
turn down!  This is really shocking.


On 03-02, C PQ wrote:
>    FYI:  Here's another perspective on the situation:
>    From:  "X" [name removed]
>    Sent: Tuesday,    February 28,  2012 3:51 PM
>    Subject: Craig  Grant, Director of Caboodle Ranch
>    The below info is    found  at this
>    link:
>    Yesterday,  when  I heard of the investigation and rescue intervention
>    at  Caboodle  Ranch,  my  first thought  was that Craig Grant was just
>    another  compassionate  fool  who  got  in  over  his  head because he
>    couldn't  turn  away a cat with nowhere to go.  The below  information
>    has  changed  my  perception  of him.  No decent individual would  let
>    animals  in his custody go without needed medical care, food and clean
>    living  conditions while making frivolous expenditures on himself from
>    501.3c funds that  should have been spent on the cats.
>                               Financial  Fraud
>    For an overview of embezzlement and  financial fraud click here here.
>    Records  obtained  through   the  court  indicate that operator, Craig
>    Grant,  is  embezzling  corporate funds  (donations) for personal use.
>    There  are  numerous  transactions  on  their  501(c)   not-for-profit
>    account  for     transactions such as: airline flights, trip to Vegas,
>    tickets  to  Daytona  500,  hotels,  online  clothing  orders,  online
>    magazine orders,  gifts, etc.  The list goes on and on. Craig admitted
>    in  court  records  that  he does not routinely record cash donations.
>    It's been reported that Craig has used cash to take people out to eat.
>    In  interviews  Craig Grant has stated he  gets a $1000/month personal
>    salary. Therefore, any personal expenses should be paid for out of HIS
>    salary.   It is unlawful for any transactions for personal use to come
>    out  of  a not-for-profit corporate account. All donations/income MUST
>    be used for the care of cats.
>    The IRS and    Attorney General have been  notified.

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