For an average of 70 cats, I cannot afford to dump litter, and or the
delightful aroma it would cause if I didn't do it 2x/day or more, as needed.
It doesn't matter whether it's dusty or not, clumping litter still contains
sodium bentonite, and it doesn't have to be listed on the bag/box.  The one
and only way of knowing whether it doesn't contain SB, is if it's allowed to
be flushed down a toilet; its' a compound used in construction to seal the
space between earth and foundation by absorbing 15 times its weight in
liquid.  It can get into a cat's urethra and cause a blockage, get ingested
when grooming and cause intestinal blockage or when inhaled, turn into a
solid block in the lungs by absorbing the moisture.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scoopable Litter


Definitely bending over for any length of time can be a big pain in the
back.  I pick up my litter boxes and place them on a plastic lawn furniture
end table.  It raises the box to a level where I can scoop in comfort and
the cats like to sit under it and play with my pants leg. 'Stop that, stop
that, no claws!!"  I can't easily get up from those garden kneeler seats
because of really weak knees.  Whoever coined the term "Golden Years" was
probably not yet 18.



Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
neighbors too!



From: Edna Taylor <>
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scoopable Litter


Yep, my college degree sits behind me at my desk doing me absolutely no good
whatsoever ;)


Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 14:19:58 -0700
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scoopable Litter

I have 40 cats so any cat litter expense is going to be flushing money down
the drain or into the garbage.  I use pine pellets which cost $6.00 for 40
lbs. at Tractor Supply.  At that price my cats can poop and pee in luxury.
The pine breaks down to a yellow powder though and I have to sweep it up all
the time to prevent my cat room from looking like a weird beach because the
cats dig and then track with their paws.  Yellow, yellow everywhere.  I use
a light weight variable length squeegee to sweep because a broom just makes
all that yellow go airborne. At least there is no initial dust up when I
pour the pine and it really deodorizes the contents of the litter box unless
I don't dump it often enough. I dump and wash and refill about every 3 days,
scoop the poop every day. Lots of work.  For this I needed a college degree?



Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
neighbors too!



From: Lorrie <>
Sent: Monday, October 8, 2012 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Scoopable Litter

I use scoopable litter, but I use the dust free kind. Some scoopable
litter is so dusty clouds of it billow up and this is obviously bad
stuff.  I never use any scoopinig litter with small kittens, but 
with as many grown cats as I have (total 24) I use very large litter 
boxes and I simply can't lift them (to dump) when they are filled with 
the clay litter. I have painful arthritis and I'm ancient... almost 80.

I'd really like to hear from others on the list about who uses clay
litter and who uses scoopable.  Fresh Step and Tidy Cat scoopable don't
seem to have any dust at all, but it's scary to think scoopable litter
is so bad.


On 10-08, Natalie wrote:
>    Liter, especially clumping litter, should be banned - I have tons of
>    info on it, how a company responded to a concerned cat owner, "Buyer
>    beware".  I discourage all my adopters from using it.  Sodium bentonite
>    is fatal to cats if they inhale it, eat it, inadvertently when cleaning
>    themselves - or kittens, while playing.
>    People always seem to think that if something is expensive, it must be
>    the best - and they want the best for their cats!  Hartz litter is
>    pretty disgusting, too!
>    Natalie

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