Lee, I almost pissed myself laughing...... Been there with the solid
block of concrete stuck to the bottom of the litter boxes! 


On 10-11, Lee Evans wrote:
>    This is a horror story.  It's true.  My cats will tell you it is.  One
>    day, several years ago, I decided to purchase clumping litter.  In
>    those days I was using Traditional, a brand put out by HEB
>    supermarket.  Traditional is a white litter, not too much dust, at that
>    time very inexpensive. Then I saw HEB Scoopable.  It wasn't very
>    expensive so I lugged a couple of bags home.  Now, the horror part
>    comes when you realize that I knew nothing about clumping litter except
>    that it clumps when hit with something liquid.  So I poured the same
>    amount of clumping clay into the cat boxes as I had with the ordinary
>    stuff.  Sigh! Once in a while I should read directions.  The litter
>    clumped to the bottom of the box.  Solid.  Cement.  Mixed with cat
>    piss.  I had to take all the boxes out to the yard and use a hack saw
>    to get the litter out.  Finally, hammer, chisel and garden hose got the
>    boxes back to usable state.  Five hours wasted.  Cats giggling inside,
>    waiting to see what I would do next.  I read the directions.  Needed
>    was at least three inches of litter per box.  Ten boxes.  Five bags of
>    cheap clumping clay.  Ah.  It clumped.  Did not stick to the bottom of
>    the box.  Each perfectly formed clump weighed about three pounds.
>    Hernia time. I purchased 5 bags of litter, each weighing 20 pounds.  I
>    filled up about 10 boxes.  Used about 5 of the bags, give or take a few
>    grains of sand.  Half a bag to a box.  That would be about 10 pounds of
>    clay per box.  After all was said and done, I got over 24 pounds worth
>    of clumps out of each box. I wish someone would make litter out of
>    silver dollars that would triple when hit with a liquid substance.
>    Used up an entire roll of garbage bags.  Sanitation department workers
>    had to be hospitalized for hernias.  It was around that time that I
>    discovered Feline Pine.  The cats were a little startled at having to
>    do their thing on something that smelled like wood and rolled around
>    like marbles but they got the hang of it finally.  Some like to bat the
>    pine pellets all over the floor.  They especially like to bat them over
>    to the door so when I come into the room I step rolly-polly pellets and
>    go skidding into a wall.  Need a book on cat behavior modification.

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