
>From: Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com>

>Your dilema is similar to mine. I have 15 cats at home who are all FelV
>negative, and 12 cats in my shelter/sanctuary.  Some of these cats are 
>FelV positive and are all together because I did not know they were pos.
>when I took them in. Anyway, several of the young ones died at less than
>a year old, but two are over 5 years old and no symptoms yet. These two
>are totally feral, and hide so I cannot catch them to have them retested.
>I have had several others retested and most are negative even tho they
>have been with the FelV cats for many years with no vaccinations for
>FelV.  Older cats seem to have much less chance of acquiring the virus
>than kittens, and I was very interested that your vet said there was 
>no point in vaccinating the others, and to test them only if needed.
  Hi Lorrie,

          First, I need to apologize for somehow including the entire digest in 
my last post. I thought I had cleared it, but I guess not. I also think I have 
done it this time, but I'm not sure.

          When Gribble tested positive, I panicked and wanted to know what to 
do about the rest of his particular "pride". Her comment was "that ship has 
sailed", meaning they had been exposed for over a year, and her feeling was 
that there was no point in vaccinating now. I'm not sure she's right, but I 
can't find any reliable information. If I could afford it, I might test them 
all, but to what end? I may anyway, but I'll do it myself. I think the $40 per 
cat could be better spent in this case. Any cat with unclear symptoms will be 

          I'll keep looking and asking, and if I come up with anything 
substantial, I'll report back.



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