I was optimistic enough to believe a slight positive meant the cat might be
throwing off the virus....... Not so.  My cat, aged 10 months, whose 2nd
Elisa test was a slight pos. died as did all his other litter mates who were
FelV pos. The vet says they probably got the virus from their mother, as
they were feral rescues.  I have a FelV sanctuary and it is heart breaking
work. I give them as good a life as I can, with no cages, but they rarely
live longer than a year..


On 05-11, Sharyl wrote:
>    It can be confusing.  Hopefully this chart will help
>    [1]http://www.felineleukemia.org/felvhlth.html
>    The IFA test will not show up as positive until the virus has moved to
>    the bone marrow.  I have no idea what a slight positive means.  Wish
>    vets wouldn't use that.  Can you do the ELISA again in 60-90 days?
>    Sharyl

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