My cat Yang who I lost this summer made it to 3 with feline leukemia. She
had to have gotten it as a kitten, I adopted her at five months and she
hadn't been exposed since entering my care. We didn't know she had it until
she had to be put down. It was a terrible shock, but she lived an excellent
life up until two days before we put her down.
On Nov 14, 2014 2:39 PM, "Marsha" <> wrote:

>  Kelly, now *I'm* confused.  I don't want anything.  I was just sharing
> my personal experiences and putting some suggestions out there.  Some of
> the resources you or others may already know about, but others might be new
> to some people.  Feel free to list your Facebook resources so people here
> are aware of those too.   Or maybe you were really replying to the same
> person I was replying to?
> Idea for everyone:  make up a flyer with some basic info about FeLV, with
> a picture of one or more or your FeLV+ cats looking happy and living the
> good life.  Maybe put a link on the flyer to or other
> resource(s).  Distribute the flyer to local vet offices for when the vet
> gets a client with a cat that tests positive.  The vet could show the flyer
> to the owner so that the owner can see that there is support available, and
> that FeLV+ cats can live a happy life for a variable number of years.
> Marsha
> On 11/14/2014 1:00 PM, Kelley S wrote:
> There are some other places to list on Facebook, if you would like the
> links.  One thing that struck me when I read your post was confusion on my
> part as to what exactly you wanted.  It seemed to me reading it, and I may
> be reading things into this, that you did not want the kittens to go to a
> home with FELV+ cats in there already.   That, in addition to the adoption
> fee, is going to make it *almost* impossible to ever find these kittens a
> home (nothing is 100% impossible of course).  Also, once you adopt the
> kitten out, you don't have control over what the adopters do later.  They
> may bring in FELV+ cats later.  My heart kitty died of heart disease
> brought on by a congenital defect.  I spent a lot of time holding her and
> crying because she was going to die.  They are all going to die, we hope
> after many years in a happy home.  I spent more time mourning her death
> than I did celebrating her life.  This was  a grave mistake on my part.
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Marsha <> wrote:
>> Some adopters may make a donation to the organization they adopt a
>> zero-fee cat from.  I did.  You might make a cat low or no fee, but say,
>> "donations gratefully accepted".  If you list on PetFinder, consider adding
>> FeLV+ to the heading, besides just listing them as "special needs".  Some
>> people are looking specifically for a FeLV+ cat as a companion for one they
>> already have, and not putting that in the heading forces those people to
>> sift through every special needs listing to find the FeLV+ kitty.  I turned
>> to PetFinder after having no luck locally finding a companion for Harley,
>> and did a search by zip code.  I specified "up to 100 miles", and that's
>> how I found Brock.  Actually, 113 miles away, but the search goes by zip
>> code.
>> There are also some listings here (up for adoption or looking to adopt
>> FeLV, FIV, FIP +):
>> You can also get to that by the website.
>> One other place to list is the PurringPixie yahoo group.
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