Marsha, I'm so sorry for your loss. I really don't know if I'd continue with this "counselor". Would you be comfortable with keeping a daily journal - write about your grief - write about Noelle ( I have a cat named Noelle) - write about 1 thing that gives you a good feeling.
For me, I found writing helped with my losses.  Please give it a try.
Sandy W

-----Original Message----- From: Rachel Dagner
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 7:45 AM
To: Margo ;
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol

Margo are you a nurse? Pets or people? I am thinking pets since you said you have assisted with transfusions.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 19, 2016, at 7:16 AM, Margo <> wrote:

Marsha, I'm so sorry.

What this "counselor" lacks is compassion. And any empathy for others. He does NOT belong in this profession. He needs to go dig ditches, somewhere far from actual humans.

Common sense doesn't seem to have much to do with this. You are struggling with grief, anxiety and hopelessness. Basically he told you to pic yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. I'm surprised he didn't sing it :(

Can you switch "counselors"? What kind of qualifications does this

I have more, but want you to know that you're not alone...there any many "common sense"less people in the world, and they make it a much better place...

Back after rounds


-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha <>
Sent: May 18, 2016 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol

I went to a counselor last month to help me cope with all that is on my
plate.  During the 2nd session (1st one was the intake), he informed me
that I lacked common sense (regarding money and animals).  Then he said
he loves animals too, and everybody lacks common sense in some way -
some drink too much, some eat too much, etc.  When I told him that I
wasn't looking for any more cats to take in, he said, "Good for you!"
All my brain processed was the word "good", which made his statement
come across as highly judgemental.  I was more anxious and feeling more
hopeless after I left.  Two things I was seeking help for.  I don't need
that kind of help.  I am pretty sure that lacking common sense is not a
diagnosis in any way.  And even if it was, how would you treat it?  Plus
I was very depressed and crying because the last time I saw this
counselor was the day before Brock died, and I still have Noelle to care
for (sinus cancer).  I would like to tell him that HE lacked common
sense in saying such things to someone in the throes of depression.


On 5/18/2016 6:30 PM, Amani Oakley wrote:

I am just like you. I cry at commercials. Did you ever see the one where they put a lamp on the curb to be picked up for garbage? Who ever thought one could cry over the fate of an unloved and abandoned lamp for goodness sake??

My mom used to ask me why I was so insane to keep on taking these cats who would just go on to break my heart. I would take it so hard. But I told her that if the people who love cats so much aren't going to be the ones who save them and sacrifice for them, it sure as hell wasn't going to be the people who don't care about them. It will break your heart Rachel. There is no avoiding it or minimizing it, but you know you have done a truly wonderful wonderful thing and you go on to find another unbelievably deserving little sweetheart who also should know someone's love and devotion, while on this earth. Frankly, while it kills me to lose my babies, there is nothing at all more profoundly and intensely painful to me than a poor being who never saw any love or kindness.

We are all doing our part, in this group, to help these furry angels. This gives me a sense of great purpose and hope.


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