Yes. On the keypad (under the second tab) there is a button the toggles between full size and cue size. Select any note or passage, click the button and it becomes a cue. Click it again and it's full size. Disabling the sound (if you want) is a second step found in the properties panel. Again, just a single click for any selected note or passage.

If your not familiar with Sibelius, the keypad is an on screen representation of the ten keypad on a full size keyboard. The buttons may be clicked on screen with the mouse or selected at the actual keyboard. There are selectable five tabs on the keypad and the cue note switch is under the second. The entire process can be carried out (except note selection) without a mouse.

Richard Smith

Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 12.08.2006 Richard Smith wrote:
If I understand your question, Sibelius will allow you to select a note or entire passage and, with one click, convert it into a cue. You can also easily turn off the sound in the passage (or note by note if you prefer).

Does this mean that Sibelius can define notes as "cues"? That sounds like the first step of what I imagine. Finale doesn't actually know anything about cues, it just knows small notes in a different layer, which is not quite the same...

fn:Richard Smith
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