Randolph Peters wrote:
Because the Finale 2008 upgrade didn't fix what many thought were important bugs, a lot of people wrote complaints to MakeMusic.

I just got a response back from Quality Assurance regarding the enharmonic flipping bug. It appears that MM is taking it seriously and is working on it. At least that is how I read this:

OT37068: When inside the Speedy Frame, necessary accidentals can disappear or unnecessary accidentals (naturals) can be forced to appear with certain notes in staves with certain Chromatic transpositions. It all depends on if the note would have an accidental in the key sig.

I'd like to make sure there isn't another issue lurking that we're overlooking because we think we've got it covered with this one.

Darcy James Argue wrote:
The problem definitely goes much deeper, and if the description below is supposed to be comprehensive, then they don't have it remotely covered with this one.

Chris Smith seems like the go-to guy on this bug -- perhaps Randolph would let Chris know which CS person he was talking to and the two of them can get in touch.

I'm glad MM is taking this bug seriously, but it seems like they don't yet know how serious it truly is. This is unfortunate, because I know Chris has sent in detailed reports on the 9-flip bug.

I didn't include all of my correspondence. In another email I was told that they are also aware of the explode function bug and how it is related to the enharmonic flipping bug and are working on that as well.

Whether they know the full extent of the problem, I can't say. "It all depends on if the note would have an accidental in the key sig." makes sense because I tend to use C major as my key signature (not that the music is in C!) and all of my accidentals can give me problems.

The fact that MM is actively looking into this issue is a sign of hope because they ignored it for the 2007 upgrades and the first 2008 version.

-Randolph Peters
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