Randolph Peters wrote:
Randolph Peters écrit:
The fact that MM is actively looking into this issue is a sign of hope because they ignored it for the 2007 upgrades and the first 2008 version.

(Denis) dc wrote:
This reminds me of the hyphen bug, that MM claimed to have solved with one of the first 2007 updates. Actually, only a small part of it was adressed, and the rest is still there in 2008. I've send quite a few messages and files to tech support, the last ones one week ago already, and am still waiting to here from them.

I did get a reply about the hyphen issue. It is somewhat encouraging and also disappointingly revealing how slowly a company like MM can get around to fixing things:

"We are also aware of an issue with hyphens that used to appear in
earlier versions but now do not. We were very close to finding the
resources for this one and it remains near the top of the priorities."

-Randolph Peters

Yeah, "near the top." I'm certain that improved midi file import and percussion-map overhaul is near the top as well. Just like I live near Washington, D.C. -- compared to someone living in Moscow! (I'm in southern New Hampshire) What does "near the top" really mean? What's above it, what's at the top?

It should have been removed from the list because it was fixed!

"Close to finding the resources for this one" What does that really mean? They're tracking down an old Commodore and almost have located one? They've decided to cut the janitor's overtime so they've got some more development dollars? Or is it that they have to wait until the company has saved enough money to buy a better debugging program or more robust development platform to make it easier to find and fix those bugs?

I don't want them to be close to finding the resources for it -- I've paid them for two upgrades and it remains broken. They've got my share of their resources.

It's terrific that we can now synch our earth-shatteringly-beautiful music to audio. Just make sure that music doesn't involve choruses who need to read lyrics which will depend on hyphens for easier reading of melismas or require the use of 9-key flipped enharmonics!

Please, MakeMusic, stop with the new crap before you fix the old crap! Especially since including the new crap is what broke the old crap in the first place, back with Fin2007! Both those bugs were non-existent before that, and there should have been no new features before they were fixed.

Man with the sort of necessity of the development team to "find the resources," the only resources they'll need to find is the resources to make peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches to take to the unemployment line while waiting to find new jobs! It must be so frustrating to be on the MakeMusic Finale development team, to know those bugs are there but to have to wait to somehow find the resources before being allowed to fix them. And even more frustrating to be told the product is going gold, even with those bugs remaining unfixed. What sort of professional pride can they take in that? That they are professionals is to be understood, or the program wouldn't be as good as it is, even with those bugs. But it is the very quality of Finale overall which makes those bugs more annoying. As I'm sure it annoys the developers, too.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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