I would not concur with this, as I recently did a piece in B major and had to convert some key-signature A sharps to Bb accidentals and back again as I changed my mind, and they went wonky.

It seems to be that any time you hit 9 in Speedy you take your life (well, your enharmonic life anyway!) into your hands. Hitting it twice on the same note almost guarantees a problem somewhere along the line.


I'm fed up with this flaw, it is so unpredictable that it has slowed down my work flow considerably and there is a constant need to re- proof everything as you can't trust Finale.

It's also dangerous with explode parts too. Not only do enharmonics get changed but the order of part distribution is buggy. So much for a short cut.

I frequently use the old speedy entry trick of putting the cursor over a note/chord while playing the midi keyboard and hitting the enter key to change only the notes. I discovered that if the spelling table contradicts what you have in the stave (i.e. you want to change the notes _back_ to the spelling table settings from their enharmonics) this method doesn't always change the note(s) straight away but if you hold the midi chord or note for a few seconds longer after hitting the enter key it does!

It appears to me that the whole enharmonic thing and the spelling table priorities are all messed up.

I'm still in Finmac 2007, does this happen in 2008 also?

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