As previously stated, I don't have this problem with any other servers to which my e-mail is directed.

another of my personalities encountered something similar. every few months everything coming from the server i use for emails for that job would suddenly be blocked by and i would usually find out ony a couple of days later as messages were sent to me stating that a message was being held. of course this usually happened in time-sensitive periods of grant writing when i was sending final versions to colleagues for proofing, and of course the two key persons i communicate with for such things are on videotron.

the only solution was to have a rep (administrator) from our server call videotron to unblock the account. i think we have finally managed to get some sort of permanent "unblock" set up, but only time will tell.

noone could explain why this was happening or what we might be able to do to avoid it in the future. in fact the problem happened before and after changing hosts.


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