On Dec 10, 2008, at 11:27 AM, John Howell wrote:

This does, however, bring up the question (again! it's been discussed before) of how to handle bar numbers in multiple endings. Number the first ending bars but not the second? Use duplicate numbers in the 2nd ending? Just number straight through, giving each ending it's own numbers? My feeling (and my practice) has always been that every bar should have its own unique number to avoid confusion in rehearsal, regardless of repeat marks, and I have NEVER thought of bar numbers as "outlining the form of the piece." Is there actually a standard?

What you said. If it has a measure, it gets numbered consecutively. I never had much patience for going through and numbering bar 1 as bar 1-9 just because there was an eight-measure repeat. Everyone knows that bar 1 gets played twice in that case, so just say, "Start at bar 1 first time" or "Start at bar 1 second time" (or tacet it, or delete it, or play it softer, or whatever needs to be said.)

Now, I AM glad that I can set measure number regions so that my parts agree with the existing choral parts, or existing piano part, or whatever. I will gladly screw with that for a couple of minutes to save rehearsal time once the whole thing gets thrown together with not enough rehearsal. That part of Finale is a god-send!


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