I've decided to appeal to the collective wisdom of the list for help with this. I am writing a piece for string quartet, and I want to be able to write fast notes for the GPO Solo Violin (Viola/Cello) in Finale 2009c (not stupidly fast, but along the lines of eighth and sixteenth notes at dotted half=72 (the tempo from the Scherzo movement in Mendelssohn's String Quartet #4). Problem is that the notes come out sloppy. There is no articulation to them at all. In a group of four sixteenth notes, the second and fourth notes more or less disappear in playback, and even staccato eighth runs are sloppy and half the notes aren't even played noticeably. Any advice on how to fix this sloppy sound would be more than appreciated. I love the sounds of the Garritan solo string instruments, but seriously, I can't use them if they're not going to play the notes that are written.

And for reference, I even copied out the initial bars of the Mendelssohn Quartet's Scherzo and it gave the same sloppy playback as it did with my own music. I know it can sound a lot better because the recording I have articulates every note clearly at the fast tempo.

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