On 11/06/2019 03:56, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
> 11.06.2019 2:15, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>> On 10/06/2019 19:41, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>> ...
>> Vlad, first of all, please say me what's the difference with Linux
>> fbclient that has libtommath as dependency since v3.
>   I don't know. Windows users (and me presonally) definitely not happy
> because of this new ICU dependency. It is enough reason for me to looking
> for solution. If on Linux we have even more problems - we must resolve it
> too. I work on Windows mostly and this is what bothers me first.
>> Also note that libtommath does not even have a stable version/name
>> across Ubuntu versions...
>   Is it allows us to say "all right" instead of looking for solution ?
Every OS has shared libraries and every application needs its
dependencies copy/installed.

You can't remove apps or Windows DLLs and have them work.

CRT was a source of problem in Windows and was not resolved using static
linking, for example. Right?

Change of software design only because "you" don't like or one user or
two installed the software incorrect seems not good reason for me.


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