Dear Terry and colleagues, 


“As I have said a number of times, my goal is not to deal with all aspects of 
the information concept, and certainly not at the level of human thought. I 
merely propose to dissolve the implicit dualism in our current concepts at the 
most basic level, so that for example it will be possible to develop a 
scientifically grounded theory of molecular biosemiotics.”


Is the crucial point that an expected information content is always referential 
to a maximum entropy and therefore a relational concept? The 
significance/meaning is thus provided by the redundancy? 


I doubt whether this is part of the physics (as you seem to claim). It follows 
from the math and is yet content free; in other words, it can be provided with 
meaning given any system of reference or, in other words, discourse. The 
universality of the claim would thus be based on the mathematical 
(dimensionless) character of it.





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