no total

it only really matters with flash banners where you have to keep below a ridiculously low filesize (usually 20-30k for expanding ones) to not delay the content on the site

on sites / media it doesn't really add up to that much

On 26 Mar 2008, at 13:11, Matt S. wrote:

One thing I keep seeing is all this talk of the 8k+ that Tweener, Fuse
etc add to the file size. And while I absolutely understand the need
for keeping projects as barebones tiny as possible, I guess it just
doesnt seem like that much, especially since a project that involves
heavy, repeated and complex tweening, 9 times out of 10, is chock full
o' jpegs, flvs, complex vector graphics etc, all of which might make
8k seem like the least of one's concerns. Am I missing something? Is
that 8k per tween?

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