Jason Merrill wrote:

> I'm assisting with an Actionscript outsourcing project right now with
> some Flash game coders in Mumbai, so far so good, though they are a
> little behind in skills - but would be interested to learn any cultural
> things people have experienced with Flash developers in India.

A few things I have noticed:

People in other cultures use software differently, and may have different
priorities. For example, the new version of Director, just released, was
done by a crack team in India. They did a bang-up job coming up to speed on
a complex code base, fixed a lot of bugs, added Unicode support, and lots of
other neat stuff. However, the new text-rendering engine they wrote is
taking a lot of heat, and the message window, one of a developer's best
friends, is now virtually unusable. It's not because they are inferior
programmers--they just didn't completely understand how Western developers
use the tool.

I had a similar experience when I moved to Beijing in 1988 to manage a team
of Chinese programmers. They had developed a nice piece of vertical-market
software, and they wanted to market it in the West. They were good
programmers, and hard-working, but their concept of a user interface was
radically different from the West's. 

India is relatively new to the programming world. There was a major
political shift 10-15 years ago that allowed India to compete on the world
tech market, and they have done so with remarkable success. But, you don't
have the silverback programmers there--the ones who wrote a 3D engine 15
years ago in C, or even assembler. Think back to perhaps 1985, 1990 in
America. That's their accumulated experience level.

Expect Indians to be very polite, even deferential. You'll never get flamed
by an Indian--courtesy is too much a part of their culture. But don't even
try to understand Indian office politics or professional relations. Their
culture developed for millennia without significant influence from the West
(the same could be said about Western culture, in reverse, of course). So,
expect to be able to direct them on _what_ needs to be done, but don't
expect to have a say in _how_ they do it.

In America, you can expect a student to get a decent education, even at a
small community college. They will work with modern equipment and modern
software, and be taught modern, if not cutting-edge, techniques. In India,
you find that environment only at the better colleges. Smaller, provincial
colleges are still teaching Turbo Pascal on DOS, using 80286 machines. As a
result, the best and brightest are a match for their peers anywhere in the
world--they're as smart as anybody, and some of the top technical schools in
India rival MIT or Cal Tech. 

But, once you get out of that tier of programmers, there is a sharp drop-off
in skill levels. The Microsofts, Adobes, and IBMs of the world snap up that
top tier of programmers. For the rest of us, hiring a team of Indian
programmers is hit and miss--you could get a decent team, or you could end
up with a hodge-podge of code that has to be scrapped and done over from
scratch. Part of that appears to be the result of high turnover, or perhaps
rapid advancement. I would find a part of my project was going well, then
all of a sudden it would change drastically--different coding style,
schedule slippage, and the like--and I would find that a new programmer,
even a novice, had been assigned to that task.

I hope this doesn't come across as overly critical. It's not meant to be.
I've had some very good experiences with Indian teams, and some not so good
experiences. At the end of the day, Indians are, well, people. Outside of
cultural issues, there is no significant difference between a Gunjeet Parma
and a Sharon Jones.


Kerry Thompson

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