
Thanks for your answers, but now i am even more confused as i was before
posting the question.
I understand now (~) when i should use Design patterns, and i will
understand it better after learning about them.

The reason for my limitations to 500 pages (symbolic) is because of lack of
time. That's why i don't want to start reading Learning AS3, since i already
know as3 to some extend, and the OOP in there might not be enough to fulfill
my expectations.
Head First Design Pattern isn't the right book for me. I believe i could
learn a lot from it, but the examples are in Java. Java is so similar to
as3, that i could start confusing some small things that may destabilize my
knowledge on as3 (i have enough of it, but i am not sure whether it's stable
in my brains yet)

So i think i will start by Lynda's OOP Programming by Todd Perkins and then
get the book AS3 D. Patterns. If i will need anything else in the future
i'll check more books - but i don't think that's going to happen before as4
is released.

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