On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Nathan Mynarcik <nat...@mynarcik.com> wrote:

> That person didn't put you in a difficult position, you put yourself in it.
> What's funny is, you are relying on others to do your work. You should never
> stop just because one person said they will help. Go find the answer or
> solution yourself. I think you have received so much help with so much
> patience, and for you to come back like that? THAT'S abusive. The guy
> willing to help you is not on your payroll. You need to realize that this is
> no ones issue but yours and yours alone. You have the attitude you have
> right now, and it is going to be hard to find more help on this list.

That's not true. Your feelings are a little hurt and this will blow over.
The fact of the matter is that, after being in the jungle with hardly any
Internet access for 5 years and coming back to the "real world" broke to
start over, signing up accounts to develop Flash and a Python shopping cart,
and assuming (the big error) that the outsourcing world worked on an unnamed
dot-com site like it did 5 years ago, only to discover that the world had
greatly changed, and that the server farm with which I was working had such
ancient hardware that even "hello, world" python scripts failed, I suddenly
found myself horribly behind the 8-ball with accounts I am now personally
fulfilling. When Kerry offered to help I trusted him and turned immediately
to the other (and thankfully last) fire I'm trying to put out; namely,
finishing the development of my shopping cart. No, I have not been sucking
down martinis at the 19th hole ;) I've been working my a** off. I'll be
working on these two areas (Flash and the Python shopping cart)
simultaneously until the shopping cart is done, and then I will turn ALL of
my attention to Flash until I put out this last fire. I just bet you'd do
the exact same thing I'm doing if you were in my shoes...or shoot yourself

BTW, any answers to my questions?
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