On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com>wrote:

> My suggetion to you bueno is to rewrite your code using the suggestions
> provided by this list. Keep all variables different. If your attaching
> multiple instances , use the for loop to assign their names. Trace trace
> trace.

Thank you.

> Sometimes rewriting your code line by line (while gruling it can be) will
> expose it's faults to you. Somtimes our eyes wash over the same thing time
> and time again.

Don't they, though LOL!

> Oh and never ask someone to help you for free and get mad that they don't.
> Just bite your tongue and move forward on your own. Letting the list know
> how you had distain for it, just works against you in your search for an
> answer.

I didn't ask him! He volunteered! If I had asked him, you would be right!
Since he volunteered, I am!

> Oh and one other thing. I would google they type of project you making and
> see if it's already done. You may get farther adopting Somone elses code and
> morphing it into your project, and at the same time, see how it really
> works. Try this. Google a sentance of what your end goal of this project is.
> IE: flash and python based shopping page

It's far more complex than that, as you no doubt know. Define "shopping
cart". Here, let me give you my definition:
* Automate everything, so you don't have to rewrite it for every new client
* That includes making it so it can accommodate the vastly different needs
of, say, a jeweler and a pharmacy, the former being able to accommodate,
say, daily price fluctuations in the spot gold market and the latter
requiring login to access and order their personal prescriptions.

Nah, I'll roll my own.
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