On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com> wrote:

> One part of me thinks you were foolish and arrogant to build a commitment
> to a client on the basis of technology that you have little grasp of. It's
> not as though it's a natural choice for anyone, despite bad circumstances.
> Most people head for more mundane solutions. It's good to know that
> technology solutions are so easy to produce from a level of no expertise.
> I'm sure many clients share that opinion.

You would be right if I didn't feel I had things totally under control.
Before I left for the jungle 5 years ago, I had a programmer fully employed
working from Belarus, a graphic artist in Russia, and a Flash designer (par
excellence, I might add) in the Ukraine. I simply assumed, with disastrous
consequences, that I could as easily outsource today as I did 5 years ago. I
was caught off-guard. I don't think you can fault me for that.

> The other part of me admires your nerve but not your disrespect for people
> who at least have good intentions.

"The path to hell is paved with good intentions." My clarion-call is to be
responsible. Good intentions without responsibility is malfeasace.

> A bit more humility always helps when asking for the assistance of others.

There is nothing arrogant about pointing out people's errors, especially
when you are truly trying to help them become better people. Indeed, it is
just the opposite. It's good work :)

> I'm always sympathetic towards people facing difficullt times - I've been
> there myself - but that's tempered by knowing that you are ready to bite the
> hand that helps you at any moment.

I have not bitten any hand, nor would I. Are you offended when people point
out to you your faults? If so, how can you ever mature? The greatest of the
great are known by their eagerness to have their faults *correctly* pointed
out to them. It is the foolish that hate that, you know.

> I have a feeling that you will eventually come up roses.

LOL! Of course! And you know why? My attitude is joyous. I always reach out
to help others. I am usually misunderstood...but never by myself! So I
always come up roses!!
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