On 4/29/2010 10:18 AM, David Hunter wrote:
i know there has already been a lot of talk about flash and iphones/ipads and 
developer agreements on this list and i don't wish to add unnecessarily or 
stoke up the fire again but i thought this might be a worthwhile read for all 
from the man at the centre of it all: 
Flashcoders mailing list

After complaining for years that developers needed access to the raw audio data from the mic, that we are just finally seeing progress in 10.1. The lack of feature support in their tools, the bugs they have had for years with unloading objects, and the performance issues the player has, all make it so Adobe has almost no legs to stand on; for, as Steve Jobs' said:

"We cannot be at the mercy of a third party deciding if and when they will make our enhancements available to our developers."

However, although the above is most definitely true, Apple is forcing users and developers into a world with one standard and one figure head to dictate all measures. Plainly put, apple is being too "big brother" about this.
Flashcoders mailing list

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