i wouldn't say that. i think he has some valid points that echo my own. i
love flex and i love the visual studio products when i worked in them. don't
really like some of MS business practices but i feel more comfortable with
MS than i have in a long time (well parts of it). but like scott, my first
goal above a brand is a better experience for the future for the user and
for the developer.

i don't think MS has told us everything about their plans for Silverlight.
what especially concerns me is all the staff they have. if these guys have a
say in the actual delivered product that *they* think it needs i think it
will be a great product. i dont think that will put us out of the job or
prevent flex from being successful.

nintendo (yay!) has a strategy that is focus on making games fun / a great
experience. they don't really care what the competition is doing. their $200
system is selling more than the super ps3 and super xbox 360. they don't
have their head in the sand but even if they did they are focused on the
right thing. if adobe focuses on making flex great, a great experience for
user and developer, then they got the focus right. all the things they need
to do will be enveloped under that umbrella.

dorkie dork
from dorktown

On 4/23/07, Brian Lesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Sadly, this seems to describe Scott's post Microsoft behavior:


I wish it was otherwise...

Scott Barnes wrote:

> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=TyuDAzzKnz8
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyuDAzzKnz8>
> :)

Brian Lesser
Assistant Director, Application Development and Integration
Computing and Communications Services
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St.
Toronto, Ontario Phone: (416) 979-5000 ext. 6835
M5B 2K3 Fax: (416) 979-5220
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