No matter what everybody's saying, I'm finding a huge difference
between developers with formal education and those self thought. I
would definitely suggest you to take some courses at least, not just
for getting a job, but to get the knowledge you'll find valuable quite
often. There is a reason why Universities exist. 

--- In, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A bit off-topic but I was just wondering since i have no
reminescense of this and their seems to be a lot of programmers on
here  I thought I would ask this question. Do you actually need some
sort of CS degree or Computer Related degree to get a job say in
programming Web Applications or getting a Job at Adobe or MSFT or
Google. I have a degree in Molecular Biology with a Chem Minor. I am
Self-Taught so let me here some stories. Thanks.
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