Wolfram Kuss wrote:
> Geoff wrote:
>>I was getting lockups in some games and fgfs before making my memory
>>timings a bit more conservative, though it had passed memtest86
>>previously. Haven't had a lockup for weeks now.
> Interesting. You are speaking about the timings of the main memory,
> correct? Did the problems you had beforehand only occur with FSAA on
> or regardless of FSAA?
> Bye bye,
> Wolfram.

I had selected "turbo" in the bios as I have good quality ram.
Lockups were not related to fsaa. Symptoms were pretty strange - fgfs 
would trigger it randomly, povray would do it on one particular scene. A 
couple of other programs would also cause it.
Lockups were hard and neccesitated a reboot with the reset button.
I thought it might have been the Athlon agp bug but upgrading the kernel 
didn't help. Then I tried disabling the turbo option.
I guess to be scientific I should turn it back on to check...


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