Norman Vine writes:
> Curtis L. Olson writes:
> > Norman Vine writes:
> > > The same thing happens for me with both Cygwin gcc 2.95.2
> > > and MingW gcc 3.2 both using Doug Lea's malloc routines which
> > > I believe is what most Linux distributions use
> >  
> > It might be worth verifying that my partial tile free-er routine is
> > actually running.  If it's not running or is being bypassed some how,
> > then the condition you are reporting is very understandable.  If it is
> > being run, then it's not doing it's job correctly and should be looked
> > into.  You can also tune how much of the tile is deleted per frame.
> I have twiddled the amount freed each time before but I see the code
> has changed a little since the last time I tried this.
> FWIW - I ended up assuming that my poor little 256 meg machine
> just wasn't big enough to run FGFS anymore under Windows as it 
> appears to be memory related disk thrashing that is killing me.

Another test would be to disable the random ground cover objects.  How
does this impact tile paging performance?  FWIW, I've been running on
a 256Mb Linux machine with a GeForce2 MX (32Mb) just fine for a year
or two.  My system is scsi based though so with threaded tile paging,
that will definitely make a performance difference.  However, it seems
that the biggest hit when paging tiles is in freeing memory for tiles
that are purged from the cache.

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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