Martin  wrote:
> David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/pa28-161
> > In directory baron:/tmp/cvs-serv12589
> > Modified Files:
> >     pa28-161-yasim-set.xml
> > Log Message:
> > Change camera position so that model doesn't rotate around the nose.
> I can't withstand the impression that changing the _camera_ 
> position didn't lead to the intended success. Take a simple 
> stick and rotate it around one of its ends. For an observer 
> the phenomenon is still the same even when he changes his 
> viewpoint. If you want to rotate the stick around its middle 
> you really have to change the centre of rotation which means, 
> that one end of the stick goes up and the other end goes down.
> At least in the _outside_ views the PA-28 still rotates 
> around its nose after the recent changes,

We've been here before haven't we? In developing the Hunter model I first
put the model origin at the nose to conform to the YASIM origin, but the
model then rotated about the nose - most disconcerting in outside views! I
moved the model (not the YASIM) origin to the CofG - the model behaves
nicely in all views. It's not strictly correct on the ground, because the
model has differential braking, and should more or less rotate around the
braked wheel, but you would have to have a very sharp eye to spot the
deliberate :-) mistake. 

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